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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. Plz clone one for me aswell!!
  2. Mystical Sun - Energy Mind Consciousness Very nice mellow and relaxing album. Much more cohesive than Depper worlds but maybe not as cohesive as Primordial Atmospheres. To get an idea on how this sound like, think of Primordial Atmospheres with the style and sound from Deeper Worlds. I would say this is an essential release for any downtempo fan. And if you liked anything Mystical Sun has done in the past, the you'll surely love this one.
  3. The Christmas release is awesome! Having a beer right now while diggin! :drama:
  4. Tube - Into the future (ft.koxbox)
  5. Atrium Carceri - Prefect Tundra
  6. I have no idea, this guy just makes nice music,
  7. I'm not fond of track to track review. My approach is just to try to say something about the album as a whole. And what direction the artist might have taken. And it's only one track I don't mention, it's the sixth Phoenix rising. But I'm an amateur, I just try to contribute to the psy-scene from time to time. But the one I didn't mention Phoenix Rising is great, if that was the answer you was looking for?
  8. Ye I got the indian release, the cover is great!
  9. Preordered: Aes Dana -Season 5 CBL - Hydroponic Garden
  10. Britney Spears- Womanizer ( I mean I have to check out how bad the new album is right...)
  11. Same here, and now it's REALITY! btw, I'm officially a Ultimae fanboy! from this day on!
  12. Psytrance is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you get. But if you tell a latin girl, "I want to eat you're chocolates", then you'll surely know what you get... btw, it's ok if you give me a warning for this nonsense, I'll understand.
  13. Pink Floyd - The Great Gig In The Sky
  14. We would like to inform you that we are reprinting most of the out of stock releases. By the end of November, we will be able to offer you the following references : Fahrenheit Project serie (1 to 6 - new design for part 1 & 2) Solar Fields - Reflective frequencies (new design) Solar Fields - Blue Moon Station Solar Fields - Leaving Home Carbon Based Lifeforms - Hydroponic Garden Carbon Based Lifeforms - World of Sleepers SYNC24 - Source Aes Dana - Season 5 (new design) Asura - LifeĀ² I Awake - The Core Hol Baumann - Human So head over and get you're preorders NOW Ultimae Shop
  15. Yeah it is...I always feel like a hard copy feels, and sounds better, but as promotion material for putting out a review, it doesn't really matter IMO. Btw, the Primordial Atmospheres, you got it? It's great must be a reissue since it's available again. It's really awesome to be made in 94...
  16. Yeah, but I had "Internal access" to the tracks muahhh.....
  17. Hi, I dunno but I would think it was great if there was a section "Downtempo psychedelic" or something like that, discussing chillout in "general psytrance", but ofc, I don't mind doing it..just a thought.
  18. Actually I want to alter my statement about the track "Riding the sky elevator", it's indeed a great track just took me some time to get into.
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