The scene today is dull and boring. Lacks creativity and artistic sense. I realized this more thane ever when I found an old mp3 player of mine, I took it to the gym and on it were ALOT of old psytrance tracks. What came to mind was how different psytrance acts sounded back then. You could really tell an artist from one other, it was full of innovation, new ideas. Something in the earlier psy have this feel of wanting to say something, you can hear the joy and thoughtfulness the artists had when creating the music. I never hear that in music released nowdays except a few exeptions. That is why I only talk and write about downtempo these days, cause that genre (if it's not psytrance, wich I don't think it is, but it's sure psychedelic) is really flourishing. I think the psyscene is dead, only in my own subjective sense, the best ideas has already been used, and that initial burst of energy (as the initial stage of falling in love) has faded out. Sure there will be good psy produced in the future, but I believe it will have less soul. Sadly, soul is the most essential part in music for me. Think of Juno Reactor - Pistolero, that track always puts a smile on my face, and I remember the good old days...
Now ofc I haven't been in the scene as long as many other here, and some old stuff to me might be new stuff to others, but get the point...