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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. Solar Fields - Reflective Frequencies Mystical Sun - Primordial Atmospheres Mystical Sun - Energy mind Consciousness Bluetech - Phoenix Rising :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford:
  2. Btw, Atrium Carceri released a new album. Go to coldmeatindustry to hear samples!!! I'm gonna get this one fo! shu!!
  3. Yeah, it's really a shame offtopic is no more, oh well....
  4. This makes me think of one thread along time ago in offtopic, where the album Hallucinogen - In Dub got different names, with pictures. I remember specially "Hallucinogen - In Tub", that was kinda funny
  5. Yeah, haha! Really tasteless
  6. Mystical Sun - Dark Energy here you can download the track for free (it's not piracy). Check it out, this album seems to be really great, gonna buyt it in a few days, strange it hasn't got more attention. Dark Energy promotion track
  7. H.U.V.A Network - Rain Geometries honestly this thread is the same as "what am I listening to now", but here you can only spam once a day
  8. Solar Fields - Black Arrow
  9. I give up
  10. Gnarls Barkley - Crazy CRAAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! :blink: :blink:
  11. beta two agonist - 07 - lacrimae rerum.mp3 yeyeyeye, it's on my buylist motherfuckers!
  12. Here is an interview Magnus made about his involvement in the game. Solar Fields Interview
  14. KEEEEEEEEEEEENT - Du är ånga
  15. I get the point, maybe its' more that "I am dead to psytrance" rather than the opposite. Though I still hold my statement of psy being more innovative and diverse earlier, as say for me 2004 and earlier, after that I haven't got any acts that really blew my mind. I'm still listening to alot of pre 2004/05, but new stuff I almost never want to go back to after hearing it out a couple of times. There are as I said, exceptions ofc.
  16. Fick ett PM. Jag väntar nu bara på ett svar. Sen är det hejdå igen :b

  17. LOL I just figured, Pistolero might not even be psytrance, then I'm truly lost :drama:
  18. The scene today is dull and boring. Lacks creativity and artistic sense. I realized this more thane ever when I found an old mp3 player of mine, I took it to the gym and on it were ALOT of old psytrance tracks. What came to mind was how different psytrance acts sounded back then. You could really tell an artist from one other, it was full of innovation, new ideas. Something in the earlier psy have this feel of wanting to say something, you can hear the joy and thoughtfulness the artists had when creating the music. I never hear that in music released nowdays except a few exeptions. That is why I only talk and write about downtempo these days, cause that genre (if it's not psytrance, wich I don't think it is, but it's sure psychedelic) is really flourishing. I think the psyscene is dead, only in my own subjective sense, the best ideas has already been used, and that initial burst of energy (as the initial stage of falling in love) has faded out. Sure there will be good psy produced in the future, but I believe it will have less soul. Sadly, soul is the most essential part in music for me. Think of Juno Reactor - Pistolero, that track always puts a smile on my face, and I remember the good old days... Now ofc I haven't been in the scene as long as many other here, and some old stuff to me might be new stuff to others, but ....you get the point...
  19. The Solar Fields track on that compilation sure blew me away. As always
  20. It is in my book At least to much in that direction for an ambient album.
  21. Yes well, these are singles, and we don't know if they would have anything to do with a complete album. I hope that nothing uptempo! will be figured, and that he saves that for a pure trance album as Earthshine. Though I would love to hear something to Jeezlh, Green Cubes and feelings. Though I do get the feel when listening to Green Cubes and Feelings, that they are just single tracks. Jeezlh could be an entry or middle to an ambient album imo.
  22. Trentemoller - Always Something Better
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