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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. That doesen't sound like a good characteristic for a music reviewer!!!!
  2. How much did you put in that joint?
  3. I ment the one that played as they were exiting the stage. It only played for about on and a half minute.
  4. DUH! That ending track seems to be new...
  5. God anyone else getting sleepy? Yeah, the DVD, I want to hear the new tracks in good quality!
  6. Dunno but the track is awesome, hope it's gonna be on the new album.
  7. Living in a matchbox?! strange story I didn't get it
  8. Same here first time, amazing, I never thought it would be some many acoustic instruments. It's really LIVE.
  9. Time to get serious, cya laterz!
  10. Hahahahahaha did you guys see the guitarist dressed as the emperor from star wars?!
  11. Ohhh!! Yeahh1!!! GOGO DANCERS!! I*M IN LOVE
  12. Yeah Everyone is
  13. LOOOOL!! Hehe It's beginning!!
  14. Ye seems like they woke up.
  15. Grats! Yeah, they haven't played a SINGLE Shpongle track...fuck younger brother! I want new Shpongle material!! Yeah, the camera guy sucks! Where is Raja!? hehe
  16. When is it supposed to start? Or is this the show?!
  17. It's starting! What's this track?
  18. Just keep trying, I got error before then I got in...after like alot of tries
  19. Watching it right now! Haha they are playing Trentemoller atm!! Psyam my man! Come by anytime for a cup of tea But I doubt you'll ever go this far up north : Watch out for the icebears!
  20. Ba! I'm a true Bluetech fanatic fan! I would never consider sharing it to anyone else, not being someone I know will buy it! I just want to hear it, streamed or whatever I can't wait!!!!! :ph34r:
  21. Imaginary Sight - UM as far as uptempo goes!
  22. Ok, rip it, PLZ!!! I must hear it NOW!!, I will buy it later ofc. You must, it's you're duty as a member of the psychedelic family!
  23. And where have you had the great privilege to hear this "Phoenix Rising" ?
  24. Don't understand the fuzz about this release. It SUCKS! :drama: Tha's my own humble opinion ofc.
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