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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. Deep Dive Corporation - Bassic
  2. I know the secret location of water! In my sink!! Listening to take a breath know and I really like it, at least the first 15 secs I've listened Hmm strangely I actually like the samples, this seems interesting. Only thing missing now would be that this is full on... "Midimal’s debut album unleashes a selection of steady building-up progressive-full-on paired with cutting edge technical skills." Damn! After more consideration, not that interesting really...
  3. Dub Trees - Concrete Tourist
  4. Name of track 10 doesn't sound good in my ears.. And the cover art does qualify for this week stupid covers, music dunno though but it's full on so I guess it's nothing special..
  5. Bluetech - Oleander Phutureprimitive Symbiotic Remix
  6. Crowd Control - Little Haiti
  7. Never seen it actually though I usually don't venture into big super markets, after reading this sure gonna check next time I'm in one wich is actually just 20min ago just returned from one. I was actually quite shocked walking through it with soo many ppl and lines after lines of meat laid up. I did feel sad about the animals truly...gettin offtopic stopping..
  8. Just placed order for, Entheogenic : Golden Cap and Dialogue if the speakers Didn't have the money really but couldn't hold myself I've heard that Golden Cap is a disappointment to many but I figure it's still better than much of the ethnic/ambient out there and specially since I don't own their first two releases...
  9. Goasia - From Other Spaces CD - Suntrip GET, it's on my buylist, just been listening for a while and this is almost like when I heard Bust A Move for the first time....
  10. The Moody Blues - Melancholyman
  11. I dunno Maybe cause I'm Swedish? , no Idea really, but Sunny and I made a deal With my next order I will get a promo cd of Hydroponic Garden, I did express my sadness of the cd being sold out and asking if they knew if the india release was coming along. here is a pic of the cd maybe you can check since I know you own the original release :drama:
  12. Impromptu Nr. 3 Gess-Dur, D. 899, Op. 90 - Franz Schubert
  13. That is THE best prog album I've ever heard. Hope you enjoy it it's awesome!
  14. 'Yeh! It¨'s the original cd (I think, looks like it) but just without the cover and I got it fro free!. People at Ultimae are indeed extremely friendly and have great customer care.
  15. I am Merlin I come to save you, and bring you back to the old ways. Beware it's coming!! edit: Maybe I should state my opinion, they did some wonderful amazing earlier works. I really enjoy Converting Vegeterians aswell and from that well the went downhill. Though there are some really nice track ob Supervisor I think and I do enjoy listening to some of the tracks on Vicious if I am in the right mood. But I would rather see them doing some bad pop-oriented music than if they had try to make something that let's say would compete with classical and fail utterly. They might need this journey to get inspiration to get back and do a killer psy-album later on. I wouldn't rule them out at once they are still VERY young! Time will tell as always... and what the fuck is all about sell outs' and this and that, you people into psychedelics should be a little more open minded gosh, honestly...an artist is a person that creates and experiments...
  16. Hehe I love that singing
  17. Aes Dana - Memory Shell and Carbon Based Lifeforms - Hydroponic Garden (promo cd)
  18. Solar Fields - Brainbow(edit) This track keeps growing on me
  19. Hahahahahahahaha!!!! I love to hate finnish people edit: my mother is biologically 100% finnish...so days when I wake up and ahte what I see in the mirror, I know it's my finnish side messin around
  20. Here is a to me amazing track Produced by Ulf Dageby, to a documentary trilogy called "Dem kallar oss mods". And ofc the greatness of the track also lies in people relating to the documentary's and people in it and what these documentarys fundamental message was. Ulf Dageby - Gallret enjoy!
  21. Electrypnose - Paradis Perdu from the unreleased "chill out tunes" what a freakkin amazing track! Just realized...it's strange, I hope he's gonna release another chill out album since there are so many great tracks on this unreleased album...
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