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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. Shpongle - Behind Closed Eyelids
  2. Grats
  3. I really like the world war 3 sample!!
  4. Creepy I listened to that just 2 hours before you did..
  5. Alice Deejay - Better off alone
  6. Sun Control Species - Scienza Nuova
  7. Smurfarna - Rosor är röda, smurfar är blå no I am not kidding..
  8. I will pretend you are joking..
  9. Seems nice though it's a shame there's so many releases to buy I only buy Artist Albums for now...
  10. What is a man supposed to do with all these releases and no money....
  11. Same here have already pre-ordered. And I am also out of cash now..
  12. enjoyed the first release, great news! Looking forward to this one :drama:
  13. To me Vibrasphere has a very unique sound, and I have never heard any other similar to that...so guess you better hope they'll release some more ambient
  14. Pre-ordered Solar Fields - Earthshine, and at same time Aes Dana - Memory Shell AND!!!! to my big surprise an album I have been looking for on discogs and ebay but never found Asura - Code Eternity, though it's the India release...but can't see the difference rly Today I actually am a happy mushroom
  15. Here is a free track from Earthshine think it's some kind of edit or some but anyways it's great! FREE TRACK!! This sounds indeed very progressive and what I can say is now we have 2 great progressive music producers from Sweden! Watch out Vibrasphere edit: Don't take my statements too seriously since I tend to act like the Soviet propaganda during WWII..
  16. Bluetech - Oleander (Phutureprimitive symbiotic rmx) :clapping:
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