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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. I am looking for deeply melancholic ambient or psytrance. I know a lot of ambient and chillout but I don't find any of it melancholic, I do think that Younger brother - Bedtime story gives me the kind of feeling I am after and also Prayers for rain (J.viewz mix) the latter part of the song after about 2.30min (don't think I spelled that right but.... ) Cause suicide is painless I am not suicidal but I love to go deep down into the feelings of melancholy and sadness, and for some reason it's in those emotional regions I get the most understanding and hallucinations when I trip, and in that state I realize it's not melancholy or sadness I am feeling but creation itself. I will not go into trying to explain what I mean cause I can't, but I would love to have suggestions about deeply sad and melancholic music. Regards Erik
  2. Younger Brother - Bedtime Story
  3. Zomgomfg hehe, yeah this is indeed great news. Samples! plzzz
  4. Suncontrolspecies - Scienza Nuova Yeeehaaaa!! Awesome album indeed...and the album art I luuve it :posford:
  5. Indeed a masterpiece aswell
  6. Infected Mushroom - Avratz The first track that came to my mind was this one. I've listened to this track and have had such emotional explosions such a great track. I remember particularly one time when I felt as I was in eternal bliss kind of if I acquire this state on Mushrooms or LSD but this time I had only smoked a joint before going to bed and putting this masterpiece on.
  7. Electrypnose - Subliminal Melancholies
  8. Evan Bartholomew (Bluetech) - Borderlands
  9. For me this far: Aura Life2 Vibrasphere - Exploring The Tributaries Sun Control Species - Scienza Nuova Cosmosis and also I really like Nolax if that fits into this category...
  10. Vibrasphere - Exploring The Tributaries Wonderful album, truly..
  11. Master Of Puppets- Metallica
  12. Well if I find more than 1 copy I'll be sure to mention it to you..
  13. Vibrashpere - Ensueno, Sometimes like times like this when I listen to a beautiful and at the same time sad track I wish I was a girl so I could cry a drop or two...
  14. Well I don't know really, same as Hicksville and some Solar Fields but this is my list of have to get cd's, even if they're out of stock, I regularly check ebay and discogs...
  15. Vibrasphere - Exploring The Tributaries yay! next up in prog field is Scienza Nuova...
  16. here is a list of my upcoming cds. As I get money the list shortens..it's some in Swedish so maybe you won't understand all but it doesn't matter cause I doubt anyone really gives a fuck anyways haha... Från Twisted: Alla shpongle younger brother Hallucinogen - Deranger och Twisted OTT : Blumenkraft Alla Infected (igen..) Vibrasphere lime structure, exploring the tributariees Shulman Solar Fields - BLue Moon och Reflective Frequencies Asura - Code Eternity Sun Control Species - Scienza Nuova Tripswitch - Rewired Zero Cult - Art of harmony Carbon Based Lifeforms - Hydroponic Garden Celtic Cross - Hicksville Aes Dana: season 5 och memory shell Entheogenic: 4 album Luomuhappo U-Recken - Aquatic Serenade Mar Y tierra 1&2 Fahrenheit project Omnimotion Matenda - Natural Development
  17. Yeah I thought I'd seen it here, I searched the forums didn't find it so I thought I must have remembered it from Ektoplazm
  18. New Born Check out this free ep, I think Trip Of The Luna King is just amazing. The slow bpm, this is kinda Diaks style, reffering to the tempo I really love this tempo, I am not one of those dancing freaks but I still love psymusic. Wish there were more tracks like this.
  19. Vibrasphere - Archipelago Quality compared to burned mp3 cd is immensly better, ooOO and I love the album art, vibrasphere really has put the beautiful nature in Scandinavia into musical scores..
  20. Wtf they check ip I can only vote once... I was hoping to spam..
  21. Today 2 packages arrived with En Voice - Hall Of Dreams En Voice - Inclination For Composure Asura - Lost Eden Dub Trees - Nature never did betray the heart that loved her jiiihaaa And tomorrow hopefully Vibrasphere - Archipelago
  22. Cream _ Infected Mushroom These guys are geniuses, just admit it...
  23. Vibrashpere - Archipelago Actually I wanted to buy Scienza Nuova but it was out of stock everywhere so I went Vibrasphere, still need this one anyways..
  24. Also Sunrise - Cold Days and City Of Horror were REAL NICE, I didn't really get if that is Eight Gates, or Tech Dnm, all seems confusing to me they were nevertheless great tracks though Cold Days merely was an intro or something. Also sometimes it says Eight Gates remix other time Eight Gates Infected remix?! U gotta straighten things out I feel like I'm on mushrooms trying to solve an algebra equation....
  25. Man I actually love this remix, it's just my taste, but the quality...is bad. Can you upload it in 320 kbps? I want to hear more from you, do you have any other tracks? Found more now, but what's up with the Scooter and ATB remixes?!
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