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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. Electrypnose - Subliminal Melancholies I really enjoy the mood I get in while listening to his one.
  2. reading this topic atm
  3. I dunno but Iäm so fucking horny..what can i do about that?
  4. Asura - Lost Eden En Voice - Inclination For Composure I lost another auction on hicksville FFS IM GONNA BLOW HIS FUCKING HEAD!! hmm calm down..calm down...
  5. Sun Control Species - Scienza Nuova
  6. This album is so fucking great, the more I listen the more I see the greatness in this album. I hate to say this I am a big fan of Vibrasphere but I think this knocks them off to the 2nd place in the progressive scene for me at least.
  7. Vibrasphere - Manzanilla (2005 mix)
  8. Beck - Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometimes I know it's not psy but it's good
  9. Today it was a rainy day so i figure En Voice - Summer Rain
  10. Cmon Ducci, we all know you downloaded them.. Anyways today I ordered: Dub Trees : Nature never did betray the heart that loved her En Voice - Hall Of Dreams
  11. Yes plz stop spamming
  12. En Voice - Hall Of Dreams This album is getting better and better, it's insanely good, a masterpiece no doubt!
  13. I'm a big fan of Code S9
  14. Sure takes creativity to quote Eminem, and you are complaining about other peoples taste and opinion?! gosh... and btw, about the world not caring and neither do you, that is just to go the easy way in life without making an effort...
  15. Tsabeat - Early Daze It's free! And it's quite ok aswell
  16. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Hydroponic Garden Still if anyone has a copy for sell, pm me ASAP!
  17. Hehe haven't tripped in a while either, I'm also a narc for the record..
  18. Yup indeed a nice track like the not so hectic feel of the track
  19. Also I want to remove my earlier statements about the sound being undermined, it was my stereo set, but it's fixed now Sry if I misleaded you Nolax but I still think the tracks can be better regarding to mixing, still awesome album..
  20. Been listening to this album now since I got it. When the end song starts and then it gets to the vocals I just want to laugh, cry, implode, explode all at the same time and marvel over the beauty of not only the osng but also of the world. This is a FUCKING AMAZING ALBUM!!! I know I will have this album my whole life and still listen to it when I retire. It's a shame the first album is out of stock I really want that one...
  21. Yay! I'm lookin forward to this! Agree on the album art..
  22. Heh I was listening to Son Kite just yesterday night.. Electrypnose - Mountains Landscape
  23. Yeah I really like his sound aswell this re-release is good news I'll definitely pick it up.
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