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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. I'm using Dali Concept 6 and I am very happy about them, with the Denon Pma 700 amplifier and Dcd 700 cd-player
  2. Ha this is so ironic! I wanted to buy Human Hyperactivation and the track that really convinced me was Pareidolia. And now I get it for free instead, well the irony of destiny. Anyways it's a great track I really love it, and haven't listened to whole album yet but I will, and give more feedback. Update: Half way through the album I must say I am so glad I found out about you as an artist. This is what I have been waiting for, sometimes you just hit the spot and find an artist that is so amazing. Last time I did was when I first heard Alchemie Dub with Bluetech and gosh I was thrown away. This is almost the same feeling. If you ever release a retail cd u can expect me to buy it asap. Update 2: Listen to all tracks now and I still feel the same way if not even I have gotten an even larger appreciation for this album. Get a retail out there, my stereo set deserves it
  3. Thx again, the first article was a really interesting read just makin me realize how little I know about the history of trance music.
  4. Thx, I will read it now, preparing some tea.
  5. Well as to say I have been listening to Psychedelic music for about 7 years now, well it's exactly 7 years to say the first track I ever heard was Bust A Move with IM. And that is where my entry to psychedelic music started. Though before that I had been listening to Classical music such as Mozart and that is in my opinion also a sort of psychedelic music. I also know many users of this forums considering IM as bad music perhaps, and I want to say for the record that I think they have made great albums I have listened to old Goa aswell and I can't say it's better artistically. Anyways that is not why I started this thread. IM was for me the introduction to this genre of psychedelic music. And as the years have passed I have tried to listen to as much as possible not only new stuff but research backwards in time aswell. And I can agree with that most new stuff released in proper terms "suck", and often releases 2000 and before that usually is better. I am asking to you Goa fanatics to help me out here and describe how it all started, what is the real difference between Goa and Psytrance, Full-on. Progressive trance/psytrance is not hard for me to reckognize but the first 3 I mentioned I can often mix together and I do not know what separates them. I was wishing this could be some sort of enlightenment thread for new user to this forum that might not be old enough or haven't discovered the genre soon enough to know about oldschool Goa bands so forth and so on. Maybe the start of something new, haha but that is just delusional I know. And I am also thankful for links regarding history of trance and so on and you're own stories ofc. And I prolly will not be able to understand what you guys feel about Goa since I wasn't there when it started, it's like for me the greatest tracks ever made are some of IM's but that has surely something to do with it being the first band I heard in this genre and has some kind of nostalgic touch to it. Regards, Erik
  6. Mellow Machine - Hayanna Boys
  7. I was actually going to buy both Inner Cyclone and Human Hyperactivation from Metaphysics, but after reading this read I almost feel as I should not, not that the music is necessarily bad, but just bcs they way they have acted. Where is the humbleness I wonder, I can understand the prior posts a bit aggressive but then to not realize the need to step down I find kinda strange.
  8. Ineed interesting. My faourite Shulman track is Small Grey Creatures, and I am really hoping that they can accomplish another track just as incredible on this album.
  9. Hi everyone this is not an album review so I do not know if it is supposed to be posted here or not, also I have never done any reviews so this will prolly just be b-shit. But everyone has a first time. And Since I don't have the expertise to review the tracks one by one missing the right vocabulary and so on I will just write what I think in general and I hope someone else might be able to review it more properly then I will also learn. I can for starters say that I have some trouble defining different trance genres. I've been listening to this kind of music for about 7 years time now and I have not really taken the time to dig in and realize the different genres. I very often confuse goa with fullon for example, and some psytrance I think sounds like goa or fullon he, anyways Overlap has put up 4 tracks of their upcoming album Biosphere. My first impression is that I like different sounds being used, feels kinda fresh and new and ofc there are many sounds I could think just bein taken from other artists, but I believe that is often the case. Kinda nice build-ups on the songs, and I also like the kind of sinister beginning of Silent Hill, makes me think of the catastrohpy of tjernobyk, and ofc bcs they are russian. On the downside, I never liked when putting voice into songs, or to me unneccesary samples from movies and so on, and this is done here aswell and I can't say I enjoy it but it's not as though it spoils the tracks. But I would have lived happier without them. I think it takes away the artistic sens in the songs, this is not always done bad ofc and there are tracks with voice that I think fir perfectly. I am thinkin of some Infected songs in particular NOT on I'm the supervisor or Vicious Delicious (just for the record). Well after listening to these preview tracks I say this sounds rather promising, and as it states it is fullon it is probably one of the better fullon tracks I've heard. So all in all sounds promising, and this will be an album worth purchasing I presume. But plz leave out those silly samples in the future! UPDATE: Another track from this upcoming album was available on another myspace site, a chillout track named Seasons Of Winds with Biosphere feat. Shogo Buzz. The first I can say about this track is that it is not chillout, not in my book at least. It's still a decent track and it makes me think of the more dance and dub influenced tracks on Bluetech's Sines And Singularites. Not a great track but very listenable.
  10. Ehrm where can I buy or get this album someone mentioned it was free? I don't seem to find any free album or at cost neither. Åöz help me out I'm really lost here...
  11. I dunno, if I want infected sound I listen to infected not some cheap imitation of them. I can't enjoy listening to this sry, I think it's crap, jsut as too many other releases nowdays...i
  12. Today I finally got enough money to buy Bluetech Prima Materia + Elementary particles and Sines and Singluarites. Yes I am a downloader but if it is an album I appreciate I always buy it sooner or later. Now I just can't wait to get my mail I once bought all infected albums up to I'm the supervisor also, and then unfortunately I had a break in in my car (where all the cds were9 and poff they were gone....after that I still liten to infrected ofc oon mp3 and I don't find I have to buy all the albums once more, though I would wish to just to have them in my bookcase...
  13. This is indeed a great album. I just love Spanish Gypsy..
  14. Iäll check it out, thx for the tip
  15. Ofc I try to expand my musical universe n both ends as far as I can. Seems strange to me that u consider it strange hehe....
  16. I'm also a fan of Vibrasphere and I am more into ambient music than psytrance tbh, so this release was really just into my taste. I love their previous work aswell. A mustbuy for me at least...
  17. Bluetech - Alchemie DuB Do I have to say more?
  18. Hi guys I'm new here and it seems to be a really nice site for psychadelic minded people. So off to my first topic, the debut album from Team 18, wich is Holymen and Indra fused together. I am really excited about this album, but it doesen't seem to be released yet or is it? U can buy it of psyshop so I figure it should be released or is there anywhere u are able to hear samples from this album. Rofl, sry mates how stupid can I be, ofc there are samples on psyshop, somehow it just escaped my mind and view...
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