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Chemical Reaction

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  1. Very cool example Daniel! Check out the tracks I have posted and if any inspire you make a video to suit. Peace and thanks my e-mail is posted on my soundclick page. Oh and my music style is full on psytrance! Peace and thanks http://www.soundclick.com/bands/7/chemicalreactionmusic.htm
  2. Carnage listen to Spindrift Anyway make the move to Cubase that is where you want to be. When I started it was with Reason and I couldnt get a good sounding track so I made the move to Cubase. I bought this book. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=books&n=507846 This book helped and still helps me alot, also read the Cubase manual. If you still have specific questions ask in the forums. My final advice make a lot of tracks this is how you will learn. Peace
  3. http://www.kvraudio.com/
  4. The bass and kick do not fit, and this is not a full on bass sound. You have to keep working, make many tracks and you will find the right formula for you. Peace
  5. Sounds like old Talamasca, nice job keep working on the track. I would like to hear the finished version. I read a Talamasca interview the other day and I found this kind of inspiring "I promised myself to stay always more “musical” than “noisy”..." Maybe I felt some of that in your track. If you are interested I posted the link to the full interview below. http://www.brainmachines.com/interviews.html Peace
  6. http://www.soundclick.com/
  7. Hey Rowe sounds nice, good production skills you have there! What is the new hardware you are using? What is the Software you are using? I think you have a nice sound, would be nice to hear the finished track. Peace
  8. That is all I know you may need to get a mic.
  9. "Sometimes I just wish I could have some realistic voice generator that would speak anything I typed" Enjoy! http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/audio/sayit.htm Peace and Psy, Chemical Reaction
  10. Vb-1 is very nice you should try it but my advice to you is not to get fixated on your "Bassline" get fixated on your "track"! Good luck and keep the Psy alive in 2005!
  11. www.findsounds.com Search for open door! Peace and Psy in 2005!
  12. Cubase is a amazing sequencer, load in your audio tracks then create some midi tracks its a beutiful thing! Send me a message if you need some specific details! Peace and Psy in 2005!
  13. Nice tutorial Jikkenteki! Thanks
  14. I have 1GB, works pretty good.
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