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Everything posted by Darkarbiter

  1. Sounds interesting :drama:
  2. Apparently the delta isn't psy tech trance :wank: He comepletely fucked up the genre I know the most about, so I'm not going to trust him with anything else.
  3. Hmm, dubstepey but at a higher bpm? Woo, sounds exactly like this awesome set I downloaded ages ago. Haven't heard the set yet (really looking forward to however) but if you guys might be interested in hearing something high bpm (but kind've half time) thats dark and ambientey check http://files.filefront.com/Unknown+chill+d...;/fileinfo.html out. Unfortuantely I can't remember the name of the mix nor the tracklist I know it got posted at DOA some time, I burnt it on cd, didn't label and now I don't know how to track down.
  4. Techno? Your fucking clueless I think psy is more like classical then goa trance really.
  5. Well spyware might get your cc info, wheras trojans just crash your computer.
  6. Yuck, that was absolutely terrible. A jumbled mess of hippie propoganda along with about 6 minutes of shpongle interview (which was the only good part). LHS is absolutely brilliant though, as is the wonderland experience. BTW there used to be an 8/9 minute bbc doco on goa trance from 1996 up on youtube. Lots and lots of searching and I can no longer find it? Anyone know what happened?
  7. Sounds like just my kind of thing, I think I will likely do both. Does anyone else love how small the psy world is? Some of the most talented musicians ever post at psynews (don't know if person in question is talented yet, but the OP liked the album alot and he has good taste). Awesome cover too btw.
  8. They're both great, however transdimentional kind've sucks when you listen to all the tracks in a row. I prefer old school Etnica over both though really.
  9. Less then one hour ? How could you even do that? I mainly listen to albums/mixes!
  10. So I take this is a bit like the track p.c. fresh on the previous album?
  11. CD. It's just nice to have a cd and the artwork etc. At least if its a cd I don't like later, its a cd on the shelf rather then a file thats not listened to. Vinyl=ripped and never touched again (although possibly shown off) Format: Anything lossless. I'm not sure my codecs support ape, but a quick google and I will be able too.
  12. Check out the compilation series distance to goa 1-10 also goa head 1-8 Also penta, very fun.
  13. Oooh... below 145 bpm goa... I think I know a certain 10 mixes that are about to get downloaded and listened to (kinda tired atm so will comment back when in the mood).
  14. Wow, They're later stuff is no where near as good... so its hardly the name.
  15. The psychaos remix of free lemonade seriously melts my face(that one a little too much ) . So does most of his other tracks but they're generally more worth it. I prefer the original.
  16. Having recently gotten into tech house and techno (mostly the hypnotic hard variety) I'm dling.
  17. Massive necro but damn! Acid wax has been improved a ton since the date of this thread! Theres tons more visualisations and the colours choson are much better. I'm still really sad my humble e8400/8800gt combo can't run very high though. I have an ambitous project idea... 1. Record my favourite goa tracks 4x slow 2. Set acidwax to 4x speed... set to very high and record the video results. 3. Speed up video 4x... 4. attemp to sync with song... very high looks awesome even at 10fps... imagine at 25!!! anyone suggest any programs for syncing? 5. (the most ambitous part) find a decent avi to something a little smaller converter so the upload to various sites doesn't take 12 hours.
  18. Download dead if you sign up for an account (and you get at least 1/2 downloads a week or something) then they don't expire.
  19. Your downloads dead This is a brilliant mix and I'd love to hear it again.
  20. winuha>7zip>Rar>Zip Fixed.
  21. I'd like to add that I find having to unpack .rars somewhat annoying. Much better just to have it in flac in the first place.
  22. I use wma lossless for lossless stuff and aac-he2+ for smaller file sizes. Whats with everyone using mp3 anyway?
  23. Probably but... what is it?
  24. After listening to this again at high volume in the dark and dancing like no one is watching... this confirms my suspicion that this is the best album ever. From the incredibly relaxing yet psychedelic (and somehow trying to be cheesy but isn't?) blue muppet to the moving psycho to the mindblowing and dark virtual voyage (the second breakdown is perhaps the most energetic moment ever as well) this is an amazing album with few if no flaws.
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