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Everything posted by Darkarbiter

  1. clearly [edit] hmm... isn't the microsoft games logo in that open society promo?
  2. Well even though I've only ever heard Hyperspaced and World of the acid dealer by them they are defenitly my favourite Goa trance project or close too. Hyperspaced is simply amazing though.
  3. Eurodance? gee well umm
  4. 1. Shan QI - Avalon 72 votes (56.3%) 2. Monte La Rue - Champagne Breakfast 10 votes (7.8%) 3. Mindsphere - Frozen Sleep 46 votes (35.9%) Total votes: 128 OHZ NOES
  5. Sounds obvious... just like how etnica albums got less dark ever since they made pleiadians.
  6. Well its unfortunate... but I'm just saying it'd be better if they hadn't remastered anything but the artwork.
  7. Well the remastering sucks and the kicks sound really horrible on the new one transdimentional (I was watching some shitty kiddy program which had a eurodance theme song and holy shit! It's the same kick). So theres certainly a good reason to buy the original transdimentional.
  8. Yeh pretty obvious. Surely you could have thought up a more convincing backstory?
  9. THANKYOU goddamn quicktime
  10. I can on shitty car speakers... and the normal ones I use. The fact that its free is nice... but still... the fact there is no way to get this in wav is a little depressing. Release for free in wav or release on cd please!
  11. Who cares about "genre split" far more importantly... mainstream trance no longer had the classic sound
  12. Are you serious? If you can't put in enough effort to get better equipment you probably can't put in enough effort to make good music!
  13. What do I win?
  14. I'm wondering if anyone has gone as far as banned russian ips from buying said product (although this can be gotten around)?
  15. Surely this would encourage spam registrations?
  16. It's about the end result... not how they do it.
  17. Basilisk has mentioned some of his (artists) free stuff has been released on these sites. Allmost allways in lower bitrates... and sometimes sold too! I think I'll avoid... if I'm trying an album I'll either buy it or tpb it.
  18. Shpongle... considering I really like Raja Rams stuff... and Simon Posferd is pretty crappy solo (only decent solo track he's done is space pussy)
  19. It's pretty crap though... and its old school sound at a newer bpm (170) wtf? Will check out some of these artists... theres some really nice dark dnb
  20. ah yeh... the non delta/metalogic/spirallianz techno is shit. More like first class techno.
  21. I generally buy off discogs. If its a good album... and its got a premium I usually don't care that much (so long as its only 2x or 3x)
  22. Luckily I haven't seen some of the worked up people that you see elsewhere going "OMG PIRATERS ARE STEALERS HOW CAN YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT. THESE ASSHOLES JUSTIFY THIS HOW?" I got into psytrance through piracy... and I'm sure a lot of others did too.
  23. The infinity Project-Hyperspaced It's multi layered... its epic... multi mooded... well done and very psychedelic. This thread is after all not what your favourite goa track is.
  24. Wow... 1/10? Maybe for the second cd if your really really cynical. 9.2/10 for the first cd... and 8.3/10 for the second. Feel the universe isn't the best song... but apart from that all the tracks on cd 1 are either excellent or very good. I mean just look at stuff like Granada (very powerful) and Hyperspaced (weird... innovative and trippey) to see why this is such a great compilation. The track standard on the first 5 distance to goa's (not including mix cds) is a lot higher than on Goa head. Then ofcourse that said... this mix has excellent flow. So... sure if you listen to tracks singley then its crap... but thats not the idea.
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