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Everything posted by Darkarbiter

  1. Well minimal is not progressive... and a lot of the stuff mentioned here is progressive.
  2. I don't get why people don't like god is god (at least the album version... the radio edit sucks). Its nice how it goes from a kind of boring (at least thats what you think at first) to a much more trancey mood... and suddenly it all makes sense. Bible of dreams Beyond the infinite Everything else...
  3. Ok now seriously what music is a bpm between 0-50? That is fucking retarded... even dub is 70bpm... don't think you can get much slower than that. At least not in any of the genres mentioned here.
  4. If I might slightly hijack this thread to speak about their subsonic album... what do we think of it? From the 5 songs on youtube... it looks absolutely fantastic (it'd sound even better with cd quality audio... or even mp3 quality). I bought auricular after hearing the first of the songs on the vcd on youtube... and was a little dissapointed(best albums says discogs my ass). Some very nice stuff... but not all in your face or catchey... and not with that feeling with some of the songs... where the song has changed tons and its like wtf how did that happen? I dunno it just feels like... Shiva Chandra is the only music that sounds remotely similar (and lives up to) the sound of IM-The gathering... if anyone could recomend some more artists like shiva chandra-subsonic or IM-The gathering then please go ahead. What happened to psy that isn't influenced by cheese (full on) or progressive?
  5. I used to buy into that everything is dead bullshit. but then I realised... like I give a shit if some dude who has 2000 cds thinks that not enough psytrance is being released. I only have 6 cds so far... and theres certainly plenty of great releases getting released. As well as many unique classics... and sub genres. In particular the Darkpsy and Psychedelic Minimal Techno stuff... can't go past that. If there is one thing I'll complain about though its going to an event and finding out the music there is shit. That really sucks
  6. This would eliminate half the new threads!
  7. Very nice album... I don't really think its trancey. Its very much still goa trance. 9.2 Some very nice melodies... and mood overall.. no incredibly epic moments... however no bad tracks.. a unique sound and some unexpected and interesting moments. Very nice voice samples btw
  8. What about beyond the infinite? Mars is such a great track...
  9. discogs+the names they mentioned would make it seem like they are going in a more rocky direction. That sucks!
  10. As people have said you don't need a kick for a track to have a BPM. I can track the bpm of a track (I'd have to compare it to other tracks in my head to get an exact number) and so can everyone just some people need to be more conciously active. I'm sure theres some ambient tracks that suddenly change from 80 bpm to 100 and stuff... but each 2bar loop will have its BPM. Just listen to what a track sounds like when you speed it up by 6% (master tempo on)... it sounds crap! That's because each melody is meant to be at a certain BPM... so if your really good you could probably tell the BPM by the melody alone.
  11. Wow tons of goa tunes are 148 What about Dimension 5-Deep space 5d Or Power source: Granada Above 150 is mainly gabba and the associated shite... dark psy and drum n bass oh yes and hard house... but afaik not any hard house fans here.
  12. There is allways a beat... sometimes it fluctuates a lot but thats different. I guess what they mean by beatless is VERY HARD to pick the beat conciously
  13. Interesting... could defenitly be the cd that starts me producing.
  14. It would be interesting seeing Electric Universe before the guy from one love joined him instead of after. If not for anything else.
  15. Been listening to Electric Universe-Cosmic experience... and thought hmm this sounds kind of oldschool and stuff. Also noticed its released in 2003 which is when people mentioned neo full on was... is that a correct term for it? I certainly like it a whole lot better then the other full on stuff. Can anyone recomend any other neo full on.
  16. 110-124 (Downbeat and ambient) 136-142 (slower goa trance as well as minimal techno and progpsy) 148-151 (full on goa) 170-180 (Drum n Bass and liquid funk) I concidering gabba to be a gimmick tbh... drum n bass isn't though. Just check out this liquid funk set... its easy listening, a real nice intro and generally uplifting. Check it out if you normally don't listen to such high tempos... its refreshing. I'm sick of stuff in the 145 region... seriously. 148 is so much better.
  17. Agreed... don't mention the dj. At least not in anything psychedelic... in morning psy thats ok
  18. Wait... mfg is harder then gnotr?
  19. Well the acidwax screens look much nicer... tbh... blobs of gas forming random shapes doesn't really appeal to me. More travel less shape forming imo and damnit it is much nicer... but the adverts really piss me off. Can hardly properly evaluate it ffs... no keygens on google either.
  20. Well i can think of tons... its just like crappy melody... horrible breakdown "WE ARE GONNA PARTY LIKE THE WORLD ENDS TOMORROW" or similarly awe inspiring sample... that just makes you hate a track. It'd be really great if people didn't do that and focused more on making good tracks.
  21. Wow I just got windows media player 11 recently... and I didn't bother to check out the visualisation until yesterday! It's awesome... the old patterns get better and the new ones are just great. Anyone else just sit there and listen to downbeat and watch it like me? It would be nice if they payed traktor for their beats counter though... wmp usually doesn't pay much attention.
  22. I haven't listened to any albums 15 times!!!
  23. Easier said then done much?
  24. You can get seriously bad viruses from download windows off torrents. Otherwise its usually clean or obvious that its not. And Spam? Lol what are you on about?
  25. 2012 will be the third summer of love :drama: Goa trance and Psychedelic Techno will become a lot more popular... defenitly the latter anyway.
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