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Everything posted by Darkarbiter

  1. Here's an idea. Last fm integration. There's no need to have your own scrobbler, just have people input their last fm profile and either have a database of names that are only psy artists or just use the psydb one. Then compare people just based on what particular psy artists they like. Or at the very least have a tab on their profile that's basically just a copy paste of their last fm, I mean it's not original but at least it's better than just a link which people won't bother clicking most of the time, compared to a quick overview of what their top listened artists are. Ok, just registered and the activation string doesn't work "Hello Liam Hope, Thank you for registering at PsyUniverse - The PsyTrance Music Dimension. Your account is created and must be activated before you can use it. To activate the account click on the following link or copy-&-paste it in your browser: http://www.psyuniverse.com/index.php?option=com_user&task=activate&activation=0e04b143b07f3b60d9d3a9ea5238a378'>http://www.psyuniverse.com/index.php?option=com_user&task=activate&activation=0e04b143b07f3b60d9d3a9ea5238a378 After activation you may login to http://www.psyuniverse.com/ using the following username and password: Username: Darkarbiter Password:" but when I goto the website it says * The system is unable to find a user with the given activation string. The account may already be activated or their activation code has expired. If it has expired, you need to re-register with this site. Invalid Activation Link! There is no such account in our database or the account has already been activated. Hmm it somehow works anyway without activation, regardless you might want to look into that.
  2. I'm gonna have to say I agree with this. Although there were some really nice parts on the second album. Little more hesistant about this now, sigh.
  3. Darkarbiter

    True Blood

    What's the number for that channel again?
  4. How does he not deserve a free cd? Maybe he should be forced to mail back the compact stick (with them paying for shipping) but he should definitely recieve the cd free. That's like saying if you order something at a restaurant and you get the wrong thing that that's just bad luck.
  5. This is indeed quite a good album, I'll try and post a full review later. Suffice to say some nice atmospheres and great sound design.
  6. So it's sortof trying to be a more music focused type myspace. Well it has videos, that's always good. I'll probably check it out as a place for videos/pictures. Other places cover parties just fine.
  7. Neurotech=neurofunk.
  8. Black sun empire is hardly psystep. They are neurotech/something which ends up sounding somewhat similar but if you compare it to Cybernetika's album. Which sounds like neurotech, with delay and with psy structure.
  9. Hallucinogen-The lone deranger Etnica-Alien protein Bible of dreams sounds silly. Attoya-Based on true events is a pretty cool album name too.
  10. Well honestly I really haven't heard that much stuff, but the zenmind album is pretty face melting also furious's first album and maybe Multiple personalities 3 as well as near the end of Wooden monsters-warriors of the acid forest.
  11. I'd probably put xenomorph halfway between horror and normal darkpsy (not quite as bass/face melting fx heavy as some horror stuff). You guys agree with me that dark soho is probably psy tekk right? +1 to that psykovsky track being fucking incredible. There's some truely avant-garde darkpsy round nowdays. What would multiple personalities 3 fall under? Full power I guess? Forest is the most likely for a downloaded mix not to be total crap, however I think I definitely prefer full power and horror psy more.
  12. Psycore Zenmind-Alien revelations And I Dunno, for some reason I don't think The Nommos-Primal meltdown sounds much like Derango-Tumult. Primal meltdown is pretty minimal.
  13. Oh jesus skazi. Good to see Richie hawtin and Simon Posford though.
  14. After looking at his profile posts, yep most definitely. That fucking cunt. Would someone ban this guy and his alts already?
  15. Someone should make a new edm guide, starting off with psy, techno, ambient and dub (presumably that being the areas that we know best).
  16. Absolutely, when used well they can be amazing. Hell sometimes (but not often) it's actually the expression of the voice in the quote that adds to the story not the words(sortof like good mcing, or when I listen to rap it tends to be about the expression rather than the words, and I hardly listen to any rap at all). e.g. bamboo forest-Cliche'h.
  17. Here's me reading the first few posts looking forward to some amazing hybrid of dubstep psy and techno or something and then I realise that you guys weren't serious about a new genre of trance. Not in a shitty listening mood atm.
  18. Just listening to Kanc Cover aka Opsy-Clever choice for dance mix part 1 Really enjoying the trippey melodic wow wow sortof techno at the end of this one! Anyone recommend anything?
  19. Very quality stuff. Can't wait for this set that was off one of the sites linked to finish downloading either. Anyone know the name of the track at 1:47 on psycoded-motabolism. Sounds sortof dubbey and japanese, very impressive and avant garde sci fi feeling. Must know more like this! Looks like I'm enjoying the sortof stuff towards the end of this mix in particular too.
  20. I think based on the few that I like there (and absense of anything crap) I'm going to have to check out the rest of the artists you mentioned that I don't know. Hmm vadar is pretty reasonable, some nice riffs there.
  21. This is absolutely appalling. No one has mentioned tangerine dream yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3WcUJA4t3Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYDfv5POizI
  22. Has always been one of my favourite artists, right from when I first heard cosmic experience. Definitely underrated.
  23. Borgore sounds good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnS1v7_pMo&feature=related This track sounds very goa/more melodic darkish psyey. Could definitely open up a psy set with this.
  24. Absolutely. Gotta love stan, and criminal.
  25. Mystic force have some great tracks (and some meh tracks, but the one posted is amazing). Normal/Euro trance sucks. 1995 and before classic/acid trance is great though. Gotta love lsg, cosmic baby, mystic force, union jack etc (although apart from them I don't know many great names) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-nPzNM1sPo
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