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Everything posted by Sawfly

  1. Ginormous' The Sound Of Love Impermanent is what I expected (although I didn't enjoy his second album as much as his debut) and wow, what a journey And for my amazement The Prayer Tree album didn't have Ab Ovo written all over it The vocals are going to need some getting use to, but it's a great album all the same.
  2. Dubstep/IDM and it sounds superb! Sample here
  3. I have a very extensive taste when it comes to IDM, I pretty much enjoy all kinds What Funckarma albums did you get? Haven't heard Zainetica... Any recommendations?
  4. I kinda liked Lowness - Undertow pretty much when I listened to it today for the first time. Bitcrush - Of Embers was nice also, but I think he's kinda losing his touch .___. Higuma - Den of the Spirits is pretty friggin' great The new Vex'd album Cloud Seed is fukkin huge! Try XI's EP Atmospheric Pressure for some great dubstep. ...and Access To Arasaka - ==null is good... naturally
  5. Winamp for Windows and iTunes for Mac (I can't stand it though ).. edit. and occasionally foobar2000 also
  6. ...and the new Shiwa 2000 kicks ass
  7. Is till think that Triple Drop is one of the best dubstep I've ever heard
  8. I do enjoy modern classical, but kinda despise classical music. Bleh.
  9. Well I thought of adding it too but left it out, dunno why ;D
  10. Indeed. 8/10 worth to be exact
  11. Well it's kind of a mixed thing with all the labels Some are more industrial orientated and some release more ambient and melodic stuff. Some focus on other styles as breakcore etc. too
  12. All sorts Ad Noiseam City Centre Offices Hymen Records M-Tronic Merck n5MD Sending Orbs Toytronic Tympanik Audio Type Records Warp Records
  13. I think that already happened few years ago
  14. Nah, the music has a good tempo and nice sounds in general
  15. Well, it's a bit tricky album imo, there's a bunch of choir samples going on which made me laugh at it first, but it has some melodies and I know I'm going to like it more once I've had more listens e. And I can't understand how I could've left out the real gem released last year: End - The Dangerous Class !!! I always knew Mr. Charles Peirce had something good growing inside of him and he finally was able to let it all out, the album is freakin' brilliant
  16. XI - Atmospheric Pressure EP is good
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