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Everything posted by Sawfly

  1. The Misted Muppet let me down this time and Azax Syndrom & Toxic rape Slayer's Raining Blood. Twisted System & Aftifakt
  2. Damage vs N.R.S – Fuck’Em All is just great!
  3. I'd like to add; Im a Program Peaking in Tongues Comments, hmm. Great darkness
  4. Aah, this is a very nice album indeed
  5. not a psy/goa/prog... track, but a chillout; Abakus - A Whole New Way of Looking at the Day. Sunny & warm song allover
  6. This is the best suomisaundi album ever! Especially Horny Goa Teen Pimps rocks hard!
  7. Nice album, except the sounds that construct this album aren't just something I listen to a long time
  8. I liked this album too, expecially the theme, nice to hear something new
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