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Everything posted by Sawfly

  1. The crappiest dubstep around
  2. Sawfly

    Kettel - My Dogan

    I have such great memories from listening to this in the summer of 2006 and that might be one reason to love it so much
  3. Sawfly

    Silent Hill

    Love the movie, don't play except NES
  4. Ambient has nothing to do with psytrance
  5. Too much cheese in this thread
  6. Rinse 06, Benga - Diary of an Afro Warrior, various Stenchman tracks ^.^
  7. Sawfly

    Kettel - My Dogan

    Yeah, the minute it came out but I still do prefer My Dogan
  8. Yea it's a classic. 9.5/10
  9. Most of it feels the same to me but this one is really kickin' :posford:
  10. Sawfly

    Kettel - My Dogan

    Nothing beats My Dogan. The Scone project his in with Funckarma is damn great as well
  11. I just recently got the latest Funckarma album and there are couple of dubstep tracks on it + I noticed on discogs that they have released two 12''s full of dubstep. It's not the typical sound but I do like it alot as a big fan of Funckarmas music in general
  12. These were absolutely brilliant sets More please
  13. Sawfly


    Alice In Space is brilliant ^___^
  14. It freaks me out that it comes from you, i'll upload a new avatar soon. probably with some snail on it, since im kinda sluggish ;S

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