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Everything posted by Sawfly

  1. Some tracks were a bit annoying (Sienis for example) but overall a good compilation :clapping:
  2. I think this is nothing like anything else I've ever heard
  3. Grapes of Wrath - The Clit Commander (Insane Behavior Remix) :posford:
  4. Sawfly

    Kuba - Inside Out

    I like this album, it's really nothing new or that exiting but it's nice and certainly fits the LSD catalog like a pencil in the ear. It's been background music while having sex, doing random things around the house and of course while browsing crappy sites like spynews 6/10
  5. Indeed it is np. Kallio Underground - PimeƤ Puoli CD feeling a bit angsty
  6. Dead Kennedys - Let's Lynch the Landlord I fucking love punk :clapping:
  7. You need it yesterday Brilliant album, but then again I knew Artifakt would never let us down :posford: 5/5 :clapping:
  8. Atriohm vs. Encephalopaticys - Among the Stars :posford: Fuck a midget in the ass, this is some nice spymusick
  9. Snog - Al-Qaeda Is Your Best Friend (Acoustic Version)
  10. Snog - The Last Diamond (Xingu Hill Slices the Soft Earth)
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