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Everything posted by Sawfly

  1. Now this is some good full-on!
  2. Aleister Crowley was not a Satanist lol
  3. Delete this
  4. Oops something went wrong and posted the same comment three times lol
  5. I agree that the whole evil thing does not really fit in but only because it's treated like it's a joke. If someone who is a real occultist were to make some serious satanic psytrance I'd love it... And I always loved the darkest psytrance when I was tripping, the whole happy shit just did not click with me. Then again I am into mostly dark music in other genres too.
  6. I still think this is a good album but the artwork still does not work for me. I get annoyed when black metal bands use the whole occult catalog just as an image. It's nice to have this kind of shit available but would be a lot cooler if they actually practised occultism.
  7. Another one that is a really good compilaton. Not just random tracks put together but it actually works and the tracks are good!
  8. One of the few compilations that actually work as a whole.
  9. Still into this shit!
  10. Yep. They kinda lost it here.
  11. Sawfly

    Zorba - Zorba

    Just dug out this album last night after years and years of not listening to it. Damn it's good!
  12. Sawfly

    V/A - New World Order

    That GoW track! Also Sars.
  13. Well you are right it's nearly not as medieval as it could be. It's just a subtle theme here. I would not want real medieval music mixed with psytrance as usually all kinds of attempts to add world music etc. just fall flat. I also doubt it was even meant to be dark or deep, it's just full-on.
  14. Sawfly

    Astrix - Eye To Eye

    I'm not really a full-on kinda guy but this is some good shit.
  15. Sawfly

    Astrix - Artcore

    This but I'd give it a 1.5/10
  16. One of the albums I go still go back to. I even bought Advent of the Blue Radula from 2018 (which was a good album but not as good as thus one) and I rarely buy psytrance at all these days.
  17. Seriously, Dimmu Borgay?
  18. Agalloch, definitely.
  19. Blöärgh!
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