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Everything posted by Sawfly

  1. Well, it might have a dark side to it, but it most certainly isn't dark ambient in true sense of term
  2. Sawfly

    Skazi - Animal

    Now this is a great review As for the album, it sucks donkey balls.. hard! In my humble opinion of course...
  3. Blood Axis & In Gowan Ring & Witch-Hunt - The Rites of Samhain
  4. Legiac - Mings Feaner Get comfortable, put your headphones on, press play, close your eyes and dive in
  5. Took this with me to the forest today after almost months not even looking at it and must say it worked like a charm Seems to be one of those albums that need occational listen, but not too often.
  6. Apparently it is... http://www.discogs.com/release/50273
  7. Ok, mine so far are: Taiunta - Korkeammalle Trold - Time of Illusion Swod - Sekunden Blisargon Demogorgon - Book of Magic Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone Sienis - From a Nutter Perspective Tea Chairs - Tea Chairs
  8. cause oonce oin my life i want to post like radi, genuine style, with no copying :DDDDDD

  9. sticking peenis into mailsont is sick, id never do soe! and i wont change my typois here :P

  10. That is indeed a smashing album :clapping:
  11. Anyone even reviewed it yet??
  12. The latest Sending Orbs release, Legiac's Mings Feaner
  13. Get it It took some time to get into it fully, but it's worth it np. Trold - The Path :posford:
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