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Everything posted by Sawfly

  1. omg this is perfect I love this, right into top 5 of 2006
  2. Omnimotion - Egypt Hopefully the new album will contain classics like this.
  3. Don't really like anything else they've made except The Messenger, but that's made w/ DJ Jörg. np. Jörg On Mushroom - The Messenger
  4. Yeah, I need more listens, but it just sounded like it could've been so much better np. Infected Mushroom - Dancing with Kadafi I though I'd never say this, but I actually kinda like this track
  5. The artwork was beautiful, but album is seriously lacking something
  6. I've had it for a long time, don't remember where I got it from np. First listen
  7. Another Electronic Musician - Disable the Outgoing User
  8. Third listen, sounds good. Need more listens, haven't really listened to any new chill, only old ones, but this sounds rather good
  9. Yeah, it took me some time to sink in too It's actually a very beautiful piece of music. np. Helios - Dragonfly Across an Ancient Sky
  10. Para Halu - Live in the Swedish Forest, Near Gothenborg, 01/july 2006.
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