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Everything posted by Sawfly

  1. Marvelous EP, dark and gloomy, especially track #2
  2. I really like atmosphere in this track, it starts off rather dark, like a swamp at midnight and then suddenly, the brightness of moonbeams sets in I really really hope they'll make more chillout tracks in the future, a whole would be f*cking great
  3. Time has been good to this compilation, it still rocks! Derangos Welkin is one of their best, love the crazy Hallucinogenic Horses track, the magnificent Atishoo and the hard Ka-Sol track, the other ones are good too
  4. It took me a few listens to really get into it. The background sounds threw me off at first.. np. I think this might be the best album of the year
  5. Everyone started vomiting and twitching on the floor after that, soon after their ears started to bleed and I press stop.. I heard one girl still can't go to sleep, she just screams terrified that the chicken will get her..
  6. H.U.V.A. Network - Processing Lights (Fairy Tales Version)
  7. I put this on last weekend and everybody was looking at me funny
  8. It's a ambient album, took me some listens to fully appreciate, but I think it's really good np.
  9. Me too. Hopefully it's out soon as the everything seems to be ok. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/gii/gii1cd002.html Now this I must get
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