Isn't that "Turn Tape Over" from the Simpsons episode Home Sweet Home-Diddily-Dum-Doodily when Marge and Homer are relaxing in the mud paths and the tape is going "All is well... all is well" and suddenly the voice says "Turn tape over!"?
Actually he has made a third full length between those two called Utopia although it's a remix album and some singles
Remembranza is one of the best albums I heard last year
Murcof @ Discogs
He seems to make all the Sending Orbs artwork, atleast Kettel and Secede albums, I don't have the Funckarma album yet, but it looks like his work
That's a fucking great album, can't get enough of it
That's the only way to listen to it
Three Lines in a Row remix is how they snatched me to their side, everything I heard before that I thought was just average and I had no doubt about this album, somehow I knew this was going to kick some serious ass