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Everything posted by Redington

  1. Shpongle - Electroplasm
  2. Shpongle - Nothing Is Something Worth Doing :) And listening to the whole album, of course.
  3. Finally got it. Listening to it right now.
  4. Solar Fields - Outlined Surfaces
  5. Have Stendeck's and Pandora's Black Book's albums. They're awesome. Don't have the other ones you've mentioned, though. I'll have to check em out.
  6. I have to agree with most people here. I'm open to most forms of music. But I will follow a genre if the majority of the music in it is actually good and keeps me interested. Most recently, I've been in a dubstep phase. My playlist at the moment contains 99% dubstep (or close variations thereof). And I'll poke around on youtube for more dubstep or go to sites and look for more dubstep. I do this with most genres that I am interested in. Although, I might not necessarily call it "following" a genre more than just exploring one. Following seems to imply that one has been doing it for a lengthy period of time (to me, anyway). Which is not really the case for me unless it's things that I've been listening to since I was a kid (back then it was almost all alternative rock because I didn't have money and I didn't have a computer). And since I don't really listen to alt rock anymore, I guess I'm saying I don't really follow any genre. Provided that you define what the length of time you attribute to following a genre would be. In which case, if say you been following a genre for more than a year: then yes, I would say that I've been following certain ones more than others.
  7. @Pigs: Not a bad tune. Also, I heard from a little blue bird that Joker has finished his new album. Though, the little birdy didn't tell me a release date. Can't wait to get it, though.
  8. Julien Neto - Le Fumeur De Ciel
  9. I wouldn't know for sure. I mean, I'm kinda tired of putting music into boxes. Some of those boxes don't hold up well to begin with (i.e. spilling into other boxes). Anywho, I'm not sure if Midnight's Shared Blossom was posted on here yet, but I thought I'd through that compilation in as well.
  10. Redington

    V/A - Fire

    Ether. Never would've thought of that. I can't wait, though.
  11. Eh? Shpongleland is my current location but it's a farce, really. Field Rotation - Lichtbrechung
  12. Update: Well, I'm at school right now and I popped in the EP on a mac and it plays fine on iTunes. So far the EP is sounding great. I'm glad I bought it when I had the chance. So what that means is my computer at home is fucked up; which isn't all that surprising. At this point, I would just be happy to figure out a way to rip the songs from the CD to my external hard drive so I wouldn't have to make a hassle every time I just want to listen to the EP. I guess that winamp might be able to do it, if not then I'll have to get some free program to do it.
  13. Talpa's When Somberness Becomes A Game album is pretty weirdo, right?
  14. All this talk about darkpsy and no one mentions Ka-Sol? I'm not sure exactly what sub-genre he fits into but I think it's forest. Ka-Sol's Fairytale and Ghost Story albums are great.
  15. Redington

    V/A - Fire

    I hear that there's at least two other elements that need to be done for these compilations from Altar. So that means we got Air, Water, Fire... What's next? Earth? I can't think of any other elements (my brain's drawing a blank ). Anyway, this is a great comp. Love every song on it! Can't wait until the next one.
  16. Movements, yes. That is this year. Ultimae's put out a few goodies this year actually. Well, pretty much anything they release is good anyway.
  17. Astral Waves & Astropilot - Karma Cleaner
  18. My room isn't this dark, I don't know why it turned out like this. Anyway... Yes, that's the new Field Rotation limited edition EP, Licht Und Schatten, in my hand. I go to put it in my computer and my computer promptly tells me that the CD is blank... ... In the quiet words of the virgin Mary: "Come again?" No, I haven't tried to play it in other players since I don't have anything at the moment. What I can do is try to play a different audio cd on my computer to see if the same problem arises. Which I wouldn't put it past my computer because it's old as beans now-a-days.
  19. I have to agree with the Rena Jones track. It seems like the odd one out the bunch in terms of style, as you said. Regenzeit II is probably my favourite track on here, maybe Longing For Silence. But yeah, Ultimae has to be my most favourite record label right now. Just love the flow that these artists possess and the quality sound. It's great.
  20. Various - Imaginary Friends Artist: Various (Compiled by Nova) Title: Imaginary Friends Label: Ultimae Records Date: September 30th, 2009 Tracklisting: 1. Field Rotation - Regenzeit II (7:20) 2. Kevin Andrew - Three Weeks (5:30) 3. Rena Jones - Photosynthesis (Nalepa Remix) (7:09) 4. Offthesky - Gently, Drown The Scene (6:28) 5. Murya - Gray Daze (4:39) 6. Cell - Out Of Breath (5:55) 7. Aes Dana - Resin (7:23) 8. Hol Baumann - Handwritten Notes (5:27) 9. Asura - Longing For Silence (8:14) 10. Solar Fields - Times Are Good (Sometimes Remix) (8:10) 11. James Murray - Eleven (Decades Mix) (7:46) (Interpretative) Review: 1. Field Rotation - Regenzeit II - Pop this baby in and your off to a nice enchanting piano start. The violin brings a sad melody to your ears but so melancholic that you skip to the next track. This is one beautiful piece. I would venture to say it captures the emotions, the feel if you will, exceptionally well. Great way to start off the compilation. Perhaps this song is a story of a boy who cannot find his friend and looking for him (imaginary or otherwise). The sound of water dripping into a pool of liquid is slow and possibly triggers the mind to think of a very slow creak or stream. Perhaps the boy is search in a forest for his beloved friend. To enforce this idea, there is also a rainy ambiance added in near the end of the track with light thunderings. I believe this track was meant to be bittersweet at it's core. 2. Kevin Andrew - Three Weeks - The piano, yet again, introduces us to this track along with a crisp, dribbling sound of pebbles (only way to describe it, I suppose). In this one, the piano takes a larger role than in the opening score along with what appears to be an acoustic guitar. The tune feels positively optimistic to me than previous; and yet, have a kind of pure grasp into your consciousness that you know there is more to this track than at first glance. Well... first listen, that is. A wholesome feeling of accepting the future to bring whatever it shall wrought on you. 3. Rena Jones - Photosynthesis (Nalepa Remix) - It has been a fair period of time since I have listened to the original track. But I do not believe this remix of it will let you done in the context of this compilation. What stands out right away is what appears to be an electric guitar addition to the track; if only a slight addition. Has a different feel to it than what the two tracks before it had in common with each other but still fit into the scheme of things. Laid-back has more emphasis here. 4. Offthesky - Gently, Drown The Scene - If you have any inkling that this one to be related to the itsy-bitsy spider diddy, then you may not be far off. With this one, you have more of a underwater sensation with the dubs and various compliments. Underwater, as in oceans-worth: You are gliding through the seas with the sun invading the elemental partition as best it can. You wonder aimlessly through the currents of the song. Gradually you rise to the surface and break through to do a flip in the hostile air before plunging quickly back into your great abyss. And then you smell something burning/burnt because you're living in a room right over the kitchen, gorramit. 5. Murya - Gray Daze - Keep with the status quo, this song is no exception to rhythmic smoothness. Keyboards are the main attraction of the track and the back-up is not half-assed, either. It gives a sense of gigantic space. Perhaps we are now exploring the cosmos and all it's wonderful, terrible mysteries. Or perhaps it's a lonely, warm night in the back yard of many acres of property and you look up to the stars and wonder if we will ever seriously venture on that frontier. 6. - Cell - Out Of Breath - We now have the return of the small pebble dribbling for this track but with variations, of course. We glide through the pebbleness to the main melody of synths that give a sense of brilliant purpose. An intimate discovery just below the surface of your consciousness that would be a break-through in today's so called "modern-world". If only the fools would realize that while speaking of the present, you can never call the world modern. Why? Because as long as the future wholes innovation and evolution, the today can never add up to modern. Anyway, this track is a reflection of that. And to try and tie the title of it to this auspicious notion... Out Of Breath could mean that the world today is out of breath from being pressured into it's new tomorrow. And that is why it is very important that you bring your wonderfully provocative idea out of your subconscious into the real word. 7. Aes Dana - And now we head towards the city with your newly formed idea to implement it. It must stand the test of "modern" (I use the term lightly, remember) technology in order to advance life. We have subtle industrial inspired sounds to accompany us on our journey in revolutionizing the earth. You have come this far, and yet there is still more ground to cover; however, you do not give up. With a little help from your imaginary friend you succeed in proving your innovation to society and all can reap the benefits. What would you ever do without your friend? 8. Hol Baumann - Handwritten Notes - Mr. Baumann now joins us with his trademark sound of xylophone and sharp electronica. I would have to only assume that he came from the future to show us why we can never say the present is modern. Could he be, in essence, a robot? I do not know. Although, he gives us a very humanistic sound in order to make us believe he is human. But those of us that are intuitive and observant enough will know the differences. For the musical assault on our minds he resonates is one of astonishment and yet so cunning that you may miss it. 9. Asura - Longing For Silence - After our eclectic counter with Mr. Baumann, we have become brainwashed by the longing for silence; a silent conference with our imaginary friend, no doubt. In this meeting we only to find Asura, who glows with a transparent aura that only the mind's eye can see. How is it that we can barely notice this? Why... the aura is expanding to encompass us as well. In this bonding we feel at peace with ourselves (as long as we remain in the aura of clarity). Finally, we have been opened up to the underlying meaning of the compilation. 10. Solar Fields - Times Are Good (Sometimes Remix) - And in our revelation, we find ourselves in a different world. A world unaffected by emotion. We see things differently, and in no way possible to explain to those not in our world. Thus, the old way of sense our emotions as fallen away and a new way has been made known to us. And our friend is there to guide us. With this new sensory understanding you realize that the way you look at life is not necessarily apathetic; but rather that you accept both good and bad situations in it. 11. James Murray - Eleven (Decades Mix) - It is now the eleventh hour. The time as come to move on into the unknown of the future. The passage is your rite. That rite given to you by your imaginary friend; to which, you do not make horrible use of it. To explore the uncharted country of possibility of what we call the future, you expanding your understanding, your horizons. That is what has been done to this track, to this whole compilation. There will never be going back now: the point of no return has come and went. Favourites: 1!, 2, 3, 4!, 5, 6, 7, 8!, 9!, 10, 11! Overall: If you have not gotten your hands on this exquisite piece of musical artistry, then I highly recommend it. If love exploring soundscapes, if you love discovering new subtle ways in songs almost every time, if you just like to kick back and relax or take a snooze with music playing, then I highly recommend this compilation once again. Yes, I recommended highly twice to you; it is that good. There are no weak tracks on this album, in my humble opinion and that is why I listed them all as my favourite. That should say something.
  21. I was toying about doing a review for this album on here a little bit ago since nobody seemed to have written on. But I forgot and now it looks like you wrote a good review. I think it's just as good as Movements imo.
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