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Everything posted by Redington

  1. Psytrance/Goatrance: Deliriant's Chemistry album. Principles of Fight's Chaos Opera album. Chill/Downtempo: Aes Dana's Leylines album. (val)Liam's Daydreamer album. Bluetech's The Divine Invasion album. Ultimae's Imaginary Friends compilation. Off the top of my head... to go alone with ones previously stated.
  2. Good lot you got there. Well... except for ICP.
  3. Any new albums out recently that anyone knows about? I think Porn Sword Tobacco came out with an album recently.
  4. Gods, I don't know which one is my favorite. They're all good in their own ways. I voted for Ænima, I think I should've voted for 10,000 Days. It's was really hard to choose.
  5. I'm not really sure. There's many tunes still out there that I haven't explored. And there's so many that I've listened to already that they all just flow as on in my head (kinda).
  6. Looks like the title got truncated. They're goof. And what is that on the right? Is that supposed to be the cover for the album? That's way off.
  7. You forgot to put Dreamfish in there. As for me, ingenuous album names as in I like them for aesthetic purposes or because they're funny/smart in some way? I'm guessing you're leaning towards the latter. Aphex Twin - ...I Care Because You Do Phutureprimitive - Sub Conscious Woob - Planet Woob Sienis - Seriously Unserious
  8. Are you that damn cheap that you wouldn't buy photoshop if it was only 20 dollars? I would buy that shindig in a heartbeat if it was that much! What's the current price for it right now? 600 USD?
  9. I'm assuming that you have obtained it, or at least heard some samples. Good, yes?
  10. Kozmik, did you The Magnificent Void yet? If you haven't, it's definitely one to get from Roach.
  11. Boxcutter - Sunshine V.I.P.
  12. Bwanker never seems to give up eh? heh Edit: Jesus, that thread's up to page 18 already. Man are those fools duped by him!
  13. This makes me want to facepalm. I'm with Ormy on this one.
  14. Shpongle - Once Upon The Sea Of Blissful Awareness (Esionjim Remix)
  15. Antigen Shift - Implicit Structures
  16. Put in an order for Ineffable Mysteries From Shpongleland today. Can't wait to get it.
  17. I prefer Moore to be honest :P

  18. Rage Against The Machine - Guerrilla Radio
  19. I find that people who use the term "gay" when describing music very underwhelming. At least explain why, in your most humble opinion, is the music "gay".
  20. is tired and confused.

    1. Sawfly


      Wow, it's been almost a year :D

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