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Everything posted by Redington

  1. Perhaps. But if it's anything like the third album (which to some degree it is), it'll take a little while for it all to sink in (or notice everything). Maybe people will love it, maybe they won't. *shrug* I'm going to like it as much as I've heard so far.
  2. Orbital & Michael Kamen - The Forward Decks
  3. There is no way in Hades that Shpongle is pulling an IM. Get that filthy talk out of your mouth right now. But seriously. Have you even listened to the whole album or are you just basing your opinions on just the samples/speculation? Zymosis is good music also, but to say that Shpongle is turning into IM is a slap in the face as far as I'm concerned. (Wish I saw this post earlier.)
  4. I know what you mean, but I think this one is definitely got an extra dose of mashing everything together. Or at least, that's what I think it'll sound like based on the samples they've tossed to us.
  5. Love that Fire cover and the Total Eclipse cover. Do we know what/where the TE cover is from?
  6. Flying Lotus - Spicy Sammich
  7. Well, the vocals in the I Am You track definitely sound Younger Brother-ish. Or, at least remind me a little bit of YB. Other than that, as much as I can gather, it sounds like Posford and Ram mixed the last three albums all into one album as a sort of general mish-mash of it all. I'm sure that'll turn off some people. But hey, you can't please everyone right?
  8. Well, that's like more than half the album if they were indeed from Ineffable. There's only 8 tracks on this new one.
  9. Listening to this: Which is really good, imo.
  10. Thanks. Plan on getting the rest of the Bola and Arovane albums sooner or later. So good. Also got this little diddy the other day as well... Massive Attack - Unleashed OST Never saw the movie, but the soundtrack is great.
  11. Finished reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy the other day. Now I started reading Dune.
  12. Ochre - Like Dust The Balance: Irukanji - Z Lisu: ISAN - Clockwork Menagerie: ISAN - Salamander: Arovane - Lilies: Bola - Fyuti: Bola - Kroungrine: Casino Versus Japan - Whole Numbers Play The Basics:
  13. Cool beans man. I'm liking SimStim a good bit. Both tracks are refreshing, imo.
  14. Celtic Cross - Jade Garden
  15. Younger Brother - Evil & Harm
  16. I don't think it's better than Movements. But it definitely holds its own, imo.
  17. Aphex Twin - Schottkey 7th Path
  18. lololololololol I like this idea. Please continue.
  19. The artwork is kind of a turn off, unfortunately. The samples sounded good though. I wasn't all that miffed by the vocals on I Am You and No Turn Unstoned.
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