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Everything posted by Redington

  1. P.Laoss - Landscapes & Machines: Good stuff.
  2. P.Laoss - Landscapes & Machines:
  3. I don't know about the "best" because the term "best" in these situations seems very arbitrary to me. But The Fountain is definitely my favorite soundtrack at the moment. Blade Runner soundtrack is great too.
  4. Burial - Fostercare New song from a compilation (pretty sure) that's due out sometime this year I think. Pretty good song, imo.
  5. Echodub has released a new free compilation that I'm listening to right now. The first song was really good. So far it's not bad. Link To Free Shit
  6. I think Ultimae Records ruined psytrance for me (because I'm addicted to anything Ultimae puts out basically). That and some other music kinda put me off psytrance for a while (I'll still listen to it once in awhile but not as much as I used to).
  7. I wounder what your cousin would think of Psykovksy or something. Good stuff. np:
  8. That's cool. I just ordered it so hopefully it'll get to me sometime soon (like this month). np: So good.
  9. Excellent choices, JC. As for me, the last bunch over the past month about... Yasume - Where We're From The Birds Sing A Pretty Song: Stendeck - Can You Hear My Call?: Stendeck - Faces: Stendeck - Sonnambula: Rapoon - Dark Rivers: Rapoon - Melancholic Songs Of The Desert: Rena Jones - Driftwood: Xela - For Frosty Mornings And Summer Nights: Steve Roach - The Magnificent Void: Steve Roach & Erik Wøllo - Stream Of Thought:
  10. When does/did that come out? Discogs says it comes out tomorrow (the 30th) or today depending on what time zone you're in.
  11. That's up next for me. Which is one of my new favorite tracks of this year. np:
  12. Just want to note that Buck 65 dabbles into more of a folk sound than anything else. So if you like a mixture of hip-hop and folk kind of sound, he does it very well, imo. Especially his Talkin' Honky Blues album. His most recent album is kind of a mix of some different elements, though.
  13. William Lawes - 1. Fantazy
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