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Everything posted by Redington

  1. Hydraglyph - Nightmare
  2. Gimme teh floaty music any day of the week and I'll be happy.
  3. The latest... And not really related to music here... I really love this album artwork.
  4. Does Ka-Sol count as Forest? I really don't know shit about what is supposed to be what. Sometimes it all just sounds the same to me. Not that I don't like it. I pretty much listen to anything these days (that isn't some poppy shit like britney spears and shit). I like: Kindzadza Psykovsky Ka-Sol Derango Principles of Flight (they fit in there somewhere? maybe) Ozmali Osom etc etc And a lot of others that I'm forgetting. I'll listen to all of it, though. Just to get my mind reeling.
  5. Well, at least it's not far. :-P
  6. The 5th Dimension - One Less Bell To Answer
  7. The Delta - As A Child I Could Walk On The Ceiling
  8. Starcade - A Storm Called Destiny :)
  9. I third this motion. @the OP: Dude, they left their talent back in 10 years ago. They would have to travel back in time to get it back.
  10. Andrew W.K. - She Is Beautiful
  11. Type O Negative - Creepy Green Light
  12. As far as quality of the sound goes, it's probably they're best album yet. But the content is a different story. It has some elements from the previous album flowing in it, which I don't particularly like but whatever. However, they do seem to branch out more than they have done so last time by getting Jonathan Davis in there and Perry Farrell. I have to listen to it again (and not fall asleep through half it it like the first time) to shape my opinion of it more.
  13. Vangelis - Tears In Rain
  14. Acid Bath - Scream Of The Butterfly
  15. Deviant Species - Balojax
  16. To be honest, I fell asleep from Killing Time to about Black Shawarma. Yes, the sound quality is great and its well produced, but it's almost a rehash of VD to me really. Well, I didn't get as much sleep as I should have last night and the afternoon nap is rearing it's nauseous head at me again. I really don't think I like the Riders On The Storm remix all that much. Then again, there probably be too many artists/bands out there that could remix it and do it well (to my tastes and what have you).
  17. Golden Birds - Thing Don't Fall Apart
  18. Redington

    Yagya - Rigning

    I would have to say I enjoyed this album very much. Very soothing, which is what I need right now and what I will probably need as the semester progresses.
  19. >__> <__< Infected Mushroom Change The Formality
  20. Almost done listening to it. I'm liking it.
  21. Hol Baumann - Radio Bombay
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