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Everything posted by Redington

  1. I heard it really stunk. That it was basically the same as the first movie only worse.
  2. I would have to say that you always needs to take what writers/producers say with a grain of salt. They can't say too much or then a lot of things get spoiled and people get angry and whatnot. But the next season is a definite last season. We know that for sure. If they resinded on that fact, then I would be pretty annoyed (or overjoyed that it keeps going as long as it's somewhat good/entertaining to watch). This season did answer a lot of questions but it also raised more questions (as usual); especially questions for the next season. There have been theories/speculation going around about what exactly the smoke monster is. It definitely has to be tied to Jacob somehow, that is for certain (in my mind). As for the polar bear... that one is kind of iffy. I guess the polar bear was a by-product of the time flashes going on when the wheel was out of sync. But we don't know for sure. Some questions never get answered and maybe sometimes it's better that way. Kinda adds to the flavor of the show. I like this season's finale. Though it did seem to drag on for a bit, they probably could have fit it all in one hour and made it better but who knows.
  3. I'm not really a big fan of either. I just like sci-fi stuff in general and outer space stuff. It's all cool to me.
  4. Aesop Rock - Kill the Messenger
  5. The artwork isn't half bad though, imo.
  6. I don't mind the Time Warp too much, it's only mildly lame. The other ones are stupid though. What's that supposed be? A hover board? Guy doing a crailgrab?
  7. You want the middle one? That's the robot dude, wtf is wrong with you??? jk I'll take the left one, then. Not just for the tits. As for the other covers, especially the Switch one, how lame can you get? Actually scratch that, there's been plenty of even worse ones than that lame one.
  8. They always say judge not the book by its cover. But, at least I know for me, I do that anyway depending if it's something I don't totally know about. I don't really go to music stores (because most of those chain stores don't have anything good) and just pick up an album and buy it because of the cover or not. I would never solely by an album based on it's cover art. Though, some might come close. But the art is definitely tied into it. If I can listen to the tracks or at least some samples, and if I like it, then yeah I'll probably buy it. The better art it has, the more chances of it being bought by me unless the music is absolute crap or something I'm not really into (which there's plenty). I think musicians/artists that put out music in album form need to make it pleasant for the whole experience; which includes the hardware. One may put out some good music but if the album and the booklet inside don't really have any connection with the person's music, then it's kind of a turn off (but if the music is really good, then I might buy it anyway). It's all about flow and it show flow into what you put on the album cover and such. At least, that's what I think anyway. I don't think it's too demanding to have that kind of continuity.
  9. The flying monkeys took it.
  10. Joe's No Patience For Ambient Mix.
  11. Aural Planet - Hydopoetry Cathedra (Instrumental Version)
  12. Dark Soho - All the Brightness
  13. I think this one takes the cake. Though, most of the other ones are really good.
  14. Wait, it said "albums"...? As in plural? Either way, I can't wait!
  15. murph doesn't know the meaning of other forums.
  16. Atmosphere - Your Glass House
  17. Is that all you listen to? And why the hell do you keep quoting the first post for? Kick Bong - Progress In Happiness
  18. Jikkenteki - Warmth In Cold Places
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