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Everything posted by Redington

  1. The only artist/group that comes close to this in similar sound that I can think of is... Phutureprimitive - Sub Conscious Edit: CBL is similar but I think they're more ambient than dub like COTB is.
  2. ooooooooo I can't wait til Chaos Opera comes! As for NTL, it's great. Loved every minute of it.
  3. An Angel Takes Flight is obviously my favorite track from this release. Warmth In Cold Places and Warmth In Other Places are great too.
  4. :wank:
  5. Yeah well... OMGAPIE!!! *runs away* *sneaks back* Wouldn't it be necro to post in old reviews though?
  6. That too...
  7. Yep. Submerge really hits the spot for me. Very orgasmic. The rest of the album is great too.
  8. Redington


    I have to like... re-listen to this one because I forget what the songs sound like. I know it's as good or better than Dwelling In the Void.
  9. I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of us here love Sol because of that little "wooo" sound affect in there. I love that sound.
  10. Who said we weren't? It's not hard to figure out that someone as creative as Posford would have gotten bored of psytrance in no time. I wouldn't even care if the third Hallucinogen album wasn't psytrance but some mix of something else. I'm really looking forward to the Shpongle album than the Hallucinogen album at any rate.
  11. I've finally heard this album for the first time the other day and liked it a lot. As Jon said earlier, this is my kind of psytrance. I haven't listened to When Somberness Becomes A Game yet but if it's anything close to this album then it should be killer.
  12. Another one of my favorite albums. Ott really puts out good stuff. I love his main 2 albums very much as well. Solstice, Mi-Looney-Um!, Angelic Particles are probably my favorite tracks, though, all of them are really good.
  13. Man I really wish these guys put out more music. This album is fast becoming one of my favorite albums of all-time. It has a lot of elements to it that I love to hear in music and get's me really psyched up on it. Favorite tracks are: Ionospheric State, Squigglasonica, well... pretty much everything on the album, it's that good. What a gem this album is. And from 1995 too, which makes it crazy.
  14. Oh yeah for sure. I wouldn't never be able to be hardcore collector or anything like that. Just don't have that kind of money. As long as I can listen to it multiple times over, then I don't care what it comes to me as. As long as it doesn't break or corrupt on me.
  15. Redington


    Ormy's right. There's a lot higher chance you won't like this movie if you haven't read the novel. I watched it the other day and it wasn't bad. I think I like the novel a bit better. But they did follow it pretty well for a major film.
  16. Well, we got The Plan and Caprica. Though, it looks like it's mostly new actors for Caprica. Other than that, it's over indeed. It was a great finale though. I loved it.
  17. Super sweet. It always feels good to get that last elusive album/ep/whatever to complete a collection for an artist.
  18. If you say so, I'll give it a shot...
  19. Well as far as I know, we have the next Shpongle album coming out sometime this year (hopefully) and another Hallucinogen album coming out like never.
  20. lol ok Hope you like it.
  21. I suppose I could. But what could I say that hasn't already been said about good albums? (Btw, on a somewhat unrelated side note: Asura is the shit.)
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