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Everything posted by Redington

  1. I never said that releasing music digitally was the end-all solution to the "problem". Whatever people end up doing, it's going to cost energy regardless of how you release your music. The goal is to find whatever way to do it consuming the least possible amount of energy... I hope. I suppose we shouldn't have invented electricity/discovered in the first place then because it's going to consume the planet. We're all screwed...
  2. I'm sorry but that does not make any damn sense to me. As long as they have the same quality of sound, I don't see how it makes a big difference. Unless you mean that the mp3s aren't synced together to make the whole album flow as one (like a lot of albums should), then I can see why this would be important. But as far as eco friendly goes, wouldn't digital releases be the most eco friendly? I mean, no physical material to crap out or anything. I'm not saying that's where we should take it to, though. I mean, you can't really DJ if you got no hard material to use, etc. But I wouldn't care if people release music digitally or not, as long as it's good music.
  3. Yeah with a music video like that, he doesn't deserve it lol
  4. oooooooo new HUVA Network... me want.
  5. Squarepusher - The Glass Road
  6. Ott - Angelic Particles ('Buckminster Fullerine' Mix)
  7. Yeah, I don't care how many times they "comeback", as long as they keep making good music. I mean, why leave in the first place? Higher priorities I suppose...
  8. Malcolm Middleton - Speed On the M9
  9. Infected Mushroom - Avratz
  10. +1 Not even other electronica would exactly fit for this thread...
  11. That's some good stuff.
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