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Everything posted by Redington

  1. Or if there is talking, have it to a minimum. Well, you can't hope to always nab a good quality live show recording... right?
  2. Because you haven't heard of anything since the past year? They've said in interviews that Nothing Lasts was supposed to be the last album but too many people kept asking for another one... so they made/finalizing another one. Edit: I didn't really like the talking part either in the second track. But other than that, it's sounding pretty good.
  3. Principles of Flight - The Escapee
  4. Principles of Flight - Gloopy Theme
  5. Me too!
  6. The Prodigy - Warriors Dance
  7. God, and I thought they couldn't get more cheesy than they already have. It makes me like Vicious Delicious a lot more. Good stuff. Atmos - Scientific Coverup
  8. Jikkenteki - A Bowl Gruel World
  9. Pete Namlook & Mixmaster Morris - Hymn
  10. Those are the only ones I have (in bold). The rest I don't have. Well, I have Pete Namlook & Mixmaster Morris - Hymn as well, but it's in Joe's ambiental mix.
  11. U2 - Magnificent The new U2 album is great.
  12. *jealous* Yeah. Sol is probably my favorite, I like it a little bit better than the other songs on the album. But they're all good in their own respect. 1000th post... FINALLY
  13. +1 Also, it's kind of disappointing that the title track for the album seems to be a little underwhelming. But the rest of the album is not bad.
  14. Yeah, a book sub forum would be nice. Also, I'm somewhat confused with the movie forum. It looks as though it should be renamed Movies & TV or something because tv shows are talked about in there also.
  15. Wait... Christian and Jacob are the same person? I was pretty sure Ben was taking orders from Jacob long before Christian's body ever came to the island...
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