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Everything posted by Redington

  1. That Bullet video was pretty interesting. The music was alright. I guess I have to listen to more of it though.
  2. What are you talking about, Pavel? You're still 13 now. lol jk
  3. It's a good album for sure. Some tracks still need to grow on me but most of them are good. Warrior's Dance, Thunder, Run With the Wolves are good ones.
  4. Well yeah. I mean, I guess they have to make some "announcements" here and there because if they didn't then people would be like... what happened? Or something. I don't know. Gotta keep the people hooked right? *shrug*
  5. Well, we don't know for certain what exactly goes on over there at twisted... yes? I sympathize with being angry (well, mostly annoyed) that they are supposed to release stuff and it comes out like a year or more later. You can't rush greatness, though. Any of you that make art/music/whatever know this. But granted I do know that taking forever put out something is a little bit much. Just have to be patient even more, I suppose.
  6. Well, for one problem: Trying to play instrumental songs at parties may not get the reaction that you want. A lot of those "mainstream people" are going to want something catchy. Whether it's a funny beat or an easy chorus to quickly catch on to. Something that can keep them going. So when you take those things out and have only instrumentation, they can be at a loss since they are not familiar with it as you said earlier. And then, they end up getting turned off by it because they are not in the mood to listen, they are in the mood to party! Yeah, there's plenty of psytrance to party to but a lot of them just don't understand. Maybe a few do, and that's good. But like many of you said before, they get into that stereotypical generalization that you have to be some kind of hippy tripping out on LSD or whatever to listen to stuff like psytrance and all that jazz. Then you might feel alienated or angry because some of them may do drugs anyway because they want to party and that makes them hypocritical in a way. The only solution to my mind is to try and educate them. Yes, a tedious task. But if you're aim is to try an get them to appreciate what musical tastes you have over what they are accustomed to, then trying to get them to learn is the only option; albeit slightly better than just forcing them to listen to what you think is good. Telling them, first off that you don't need drugs to have a great experience with the music that you love. Secondly, that they need to learn how to listen to music outside the party room. And if they have that skill down, then you may be in luck. Lastly, show them the classics. If they don't know what the good stuff is, then you owe them to steer them into the right direction because... let's face it, if you even get slightly angry or irritated that they don't like your music and that they make out some kind of idiotic bland statement about why you listen to that music and then NOT show them what the classics are, then you're pretty much no better than them. I'm not trying to be judgmental. One may say it's all relative anyway, but we're not dealing with relativity; we're dealing with musical opinions and preferences. That is, of course, if they are not open minded. For those that are open minded, then you CAN have an intelligent discussion with them about music and hopefully you can find some common ground with them and that can expand either person's knowledge about why someone listens to the music that they do and what they feel/think is good music and what is bad music according to their tastes and opinions. Someone that is open minded will tell you that they like a lot of different stuff but also tell you why they don't like a lot different stuff, if you get my meaning. They can tell you that they're okay with the differences and can respect someone else's tastes just as much as they like their own. So helping them to "discover" whatever kind of music you want them to discover in a healthy environment would be slowly ease them into it and then adjust accordingly as they take it all in. I'm sure most of you know this, though. I don't know why I'm rambling on anyways...
  7. oh, that's what you named it. The Prodigy - World's On Fire
  8. Impatient Ambient??? Isn't that kind of an oxymoron...? Hallucinogen - Trancespotter
  9. Ott - A Load Up At Nunney Catch
  10. I don't know... I didn't even know what the album's name was until just a few seconds ago. Shpongleland... Sounds like they'll have more song names with variations of shpongle in them again. Which I like depending on how creative they get. Shponglizer Shponglate Shpongolians Shponglelation Something like that.
  11. Jikkenteki - Running Start You know what? I play Jikkenteki too much...
  12. Jikkenteki - Another Kick In the Head
  13. Shpongle - Molecular Superstructure
  14. Shpongle - ...But Nothing Is Lost
  15. Shpongle - Around the World In A Tea Daze
  16. Oh yeah. For sure. Venetian Snares - Dad
  17. I think it's Shaolin Wooden Men - A Binary Input To Flesh Antenna right now but this mix is pretty damn long and I'm not sure which part I'm in.
  18. Banco de Gaia - Kincajou (Duck! Asteroid)
  19. bump for any new ideas...
  20. The Prodigy - Warriors Dance
  21. Ott - Spannered In Pilton
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