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Everything posted by Redington

  1. Yeah. Have that EP. Good thing Bas has it on Ektoplazm.
  2. Oh right! That vocal sample. (well, the only vocal sample in the song). Yeah, that was pretty good. Shpongle - Behind Closed Eyelids Can't seem to get enough of the shpongleness.
  3. Nah, I don't remember a sample. My brain is pretty porous. Carbon Based Lifeforms - MOS 6581
  4. Hmmm, that is pretty interesting. It makes me appreciate Luciana even a little bit more now.
  5. Well, I sort of knew the story behind Luciana but not exactly. I mean, I've seen the youtube video but that's about it. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that the music I like to be long, but not so uneventful that I end up forgetting that I'm actually listening to music while I do other things. If I get caught up too much in other stuff I'll miss out on something cool, you know? And I like long songs so I have a nice long playlist to put on repeat.
  6. The Fires of Ork - In Heaven
  7. I already have Luciana. That is something else for sure. At one point, it kinda scared me a little bit (I had the lights off and it was like in the middle of the night). Biosphere has good stuff too. I like ambient as long as it isn't too... like minimal. You know, like there's barely anything there.
  8. Cybergod - Dark Psy Massacre
  9. lol linkin park in the beginning there. also, he skipped the best part of the song near the end there. not surprising Tsabeat - Indigo Division
  10. Very true. So I guess I'll try to be more specific: Anything chill, downtempo, psybient. Stuff like that. Ambient and experimental stuff is fine too. Minimal I'm not exactly sure about, though.
  11. Shpongle - Around the World In A Tea Daze kinda been in a Shpongle mood for most of the day.
  12. Yeah, but it's like what... 3 notes a year?? You really can't much minimal than that right? Other than that, thanks for the song list there. Not sure if I'll get into the more classical stuff unless it's really good and I'm in the mood.
  13. I was thinking more of electronica than other genres per say...
  14. Ever have that urge to just play really long songs? I mean stuff that's like at least 10 mins or longer? Sometimes I feel like 10 mins isn't long enough. Such songs as: Jikkenteki - An Angel Takes Flight, Symplicity Shpongle - ...And Day Turns Into Night Evan Bartholomew - We Set Out Into The Caverns Of Time Other ambient music that is too countless to name because I'm lazy to think of other good ones. That's where I needs some help! I want to find more songs that are long and are still really good and not just like minimal ambient stuff or something like that where there's not too much going on. Then again, a lot of the long songs are kind of like that anyway, why else are they so long right?
  15. Xamanist - Machu Picchu
  16. Nah, I haven't seen that clip. Could you link it to me? Since I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. Tool - Vicarious
  17. hehe, at least your friends usually don't see them right? (unless they have similar music tastes as you?)...
  18. Any Ott songs should be good. Maybe some Shulman also?
  19. Disturbed - Down With the Sickness
  20. A Perfect Circle - The Noose
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