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Everything posted by Redington

  1. Trebolactiko - Misteriosa Cosmicap
  2. New music I've gotten today was from Ektoplazm. Xamanist and Trebolactiko albums. Haven't listened to them yet but in a short while I will.
  3. Shpongle - Schmaltz Herring
  4. techno... trance... meh I like both. But I voted for trance. So I guess I like trance a bit more.
  5. Jikkenteki - An Angel Takes Flight
  6. Jikkenteki - Simplicity
  7. Venetian Snares - If I Could Say I Love You
  8. Well, if you guys been keeping up with watching it, then you'll know that Sayd is kinda off by himself now. He's done with Ben since you probably know that Ben likes to twist circumstances to his benefit. He so lied to Sun and showed her Jin's wedding ring when he probably knew that Locke was coming back to tell her that Jin "died" (as Locke promised Jin he said he would tell her). Man, this show is making my head spin. What I want to know is why do they have such a little time frame to ge back to the island? Well, technically they had 3 or so years to get back before whatever bad stuff is going to happen (probably everyone dies on the island or something? I don't know). Also, why does Ben want to take Aaron away from Kate? I mean, what's the point? It's not her son, but he doesn't even know where Claire is anyway, even if she's alive at all. Last time we saw Claire was in that cabin with Jack's dad, Christian. And that is another whole can of worms (i.e. what the hell is going on?) right there. This show is great. Even though now it's like rediciulously crazy with the time jumping and all that shit.
  9. that's some good shit
  10. Abasio's First 2009 Sirocco Mix
  11. Squarepusher - Go Spastic
  12. lol you might be right
  13. What have emo kids ever done to you :@

  14. Alien Project - Stereo Bianco
  15. Abakus - Under the Stars (Part 2)
  16. Nice. Can't wait. Dark Elf - Sauron's Madness
  17. Someone did their homework.
  18. lol you couldn't resist eh? Phutureprimitive - Submerge
  19. And that's probably why I would suck at writing graffiti.
  20. what's the title say? I see mad moments but I can't seem to make out the title. O.o
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