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Everything posted by Redington

  1. Infected Mushroom - Sailing In the Sea of Mushroom
  2. I haven't listened to it yet but the cover does look pretty rad to me.
  3. Astral Projection - Solid Electronics
  4. Astral Projection - Liquid Sun
  5. I have to listen to that track again. It's been a while since I've played it. My favorite stand alone track would have to be Release Me. It just gets me everytime.
  6. Atmosphere - Trying To Find A Balance
  7. If you think those are great then you should listen to their Spontaneous Illumination album if you haven't already.
  8. Yeah Bamboo Forest sounded like a nice name at the start but I guess that's what I get for judging a book by it's cover and not listening to samples.
  9. Electric Universe - Online Information
  10. I want more of that... O.o!
  11. I haven't really gotten into Autechre yet. I guess I should check them out as well.
  12. lololol right, that one is pretty up there on the gay-dar.
  13. Phutureprimitive - Spanish Fly (Flamenco Dub, Part 1) I wonder if these two are ever going to do another album. Sub Conscious is so good.
  14. SAW II ( ) has some gems on it though. Then again, I like most (if not all) ambient works that I hear.
  15. If you mean the Analords then probably. I haven't listened to all of them but from what I have listened too, it's either you like them or you hate them.
  16. Maybe. But it's not like I'm here everyday. It's just easier to keep my headset at home in one place.
  17. I have a headset that I could use. But it's pretty big and obnoxious, I don't think I would bring it to school because people would think I look like an idiot for using such a big headset and not like a more portable friendly headphone piece.
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