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Everything posted by Redington

  1. Like Erratic Patterns maybe? I didn't really hear too many vocals in the samples on their.
  2. Also... Can't wait until CBL's Interloper is released.
  3. Yet another two albums coming out on Planet Mu... Starkey - Ear Drums And Black Holes To be released on 4/20/10. So two days from now. I feel kinda mixed about this one. And more excitingly (for me anyway)... iTAL tEK - Midnight Colour Gonna have to wait until July 7th for this beaut, folks. That date couldn't come sooner now. You know, Planet Mu looks to be on a roll this year with Vex'd's new album and some other releases as well. Also, I do know that Skream is in the workings of making a new album. Some of the tunes are already out on other releases from what it looks like but from what I've listened to those I think this album is gonna be great.
  4. You might also want to check out Skream. He's not always filthy but there's a few tunes that could be counted as such. But I think he's better at making the more melodic dubstep and can't wait for his new album (he hasn't announced any release dates yet unfortunately). But to be honest, I'm not exactly sure why people like Bar 9 so much. Maybe I just need to listen to em more to see what's going on. I mean, they're certainly not bad, of course.
  5. You know we do have a dubstep thread not too far down the page... Anyway, so you're looking for like-minded music eh? Here's some artists for ya: Datsik Excision doctor P FuntCase Subscape Sukh Knight Trolley Snatcha George Lenton Mr. Floyd And more that I can't remember off the top of my head.
  6. Reading The Temporal Void by Peter F. Hamilton. Almost done.
  7. I would have to say that Broken Note's Terminal Static is one of the best albums in 2009. Can't believe I didn't mention this sooner.
  8. Miles Davis - Blue In Green
  9. Goldmund Murcof Sylvain Chauveau Edit: Ludovico Einaudi is a good one also.
  10. Yeah, I would relate Milanese close to Boxcutter for sure. Which is like dubstep mixed with IDM and some other electro gadgetry. @DG: It is.
  11. Yeah but all but you failed to mention Rephlex, you'd think that would be a no-brainer. Not sure if I know Morr Music though. Will have to check that label out (other than maybe ISAN and a few others on there).
  12. Jega Lexaunculpt ยต-Ziq Nautilis Luke Vibert (not strictly IDM, though) Boxcutter if you're into dubstep (and his one album under his real name, Barry Lynn, as well) Ital Tek (again, mixed with dubstep but good) Vex'd (which is more dubstep than IDM but they're new album is great). Last Step (which is Venetian Snares but more of his IDM side project) And much more that I haven't gotten acquainted with yet.
  13. I love the artwork. np: Springintgut - Walden
  14. I don't know if this one counts but I noticed that Planet Mu wasn't in your list. They're more of a broader record label than the others, though.
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