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Templar last won the day on January 29 2016

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  1. Good. And please, be honest and as nit-picky as possible. We're no drama queens. We want to hear what works, what doesn't, as there is always room for improvement, especially since there will be a third part in some time to wrap up the trilogy... plus some other release in-between too.
  2. We would love a review/to hear what you think about our 15th anniversary compilation "Panta Deus II": http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/panta-deus-ii Trance2MoveU? Antic? Anyone?
  3. Yes, it's out! We hope you'll enjoy it. Comments/reviews are more than welcome.
  4. Ah, this one slipped under our radars unfortunately, but hey, we can't be all that perfect, right? Anyway, thank you for the comments, I always appreciate honesty and nitpicking, especially when it comes from a professional - all makes us keep going and struggle to be better.
  5. Soon(ish)... Be patient my friends. Cover & Photo: Space Element (Michał Dąbrowski / Psytrance.pl & GFXlab.pl)
  6. New release date: December 2016. #omg
  7. It's fake. A poorly photoshopped Skazi album. Nice try, Antic!
  8. Starkraver: This will be a 100% online release, just like the previous one (there is no CD version). The concept is to spread it as widely as possible as a free-of-charge "gift" for the psy-people after so many years in the cyberspace and to underline our artists' musical output. There is a lot more to Poland than good food and beautiful women. HappyHorse: Thank you very much. Personally I cannot wait for the full new album by Michał too. desysko: Agreed. You haven't heard the last from him.
  9. Just re-listening this album after a while and it still does wonders for me. Wondering why there are so few comments/reviews... Regarding bookings, this guy should have more! (currently busy with a gig in Israel) On the side note, we present to you Psysutra live from the We Are Aliens party in Poland. Hope you like it. What you're getting here is almost 50 minutes of pure Psysutra acidic goa madness, so do not miss it out! Enjoy! PS. 36:58 is where you can hear the full "Been Here Before" track from the upcoming "Panta Deus II" compilation.
  10. We present to you Psysutra live from the We Are Aliens party in Poland. What you're getting here is almost 50 minutes of pure Psysutra acidic goa madness, so do not miss it out! 36:58 is where you can hear the full "Been Here Before" track from the upcoming "Panta Deus II" compilation. Enjoy!
  11. PANTA DEUS II - 15 YEARS OF PSYTRANCE.PL Part 1: Transcendum 1. TLG - Atacama Pathfinder 2. Space Element - Emulator 3. Artha - Monkeys 4. JaraLuca - Antidotum 5. Psysutra - Been Here Before 6. JetMan - Female Animals 7. Aquilpra - Maerd 8. Mirror Me - Souls Samples: Part 2: Chillum 1. AmBeam - Fantasy 2. Damian L - Acid Voyage 3. Moondancer - Snappy Aquatic Mosquito 4. AmBeam - New Horizons 5. Artha - Oddity 6. Miraceti - Alien Translations 7. Aquilpra - The Void 8. Szop - Kudoff Groove 9. TLG - 12th Moon Samples: 2011 marked our 10th anniversary as Psytrance.pl... It was then when we released our epic two-parter entitled "Panta Deus", showcasing the talents of our fellow countrymen. Now, after 5 more years of existence in the cyberspace, we're back with the compilation's sequel, filled with a rich variety of psychedelic trance and chillout music with a proper twist, for you to experience. Among the (un)usual suspects you will find such artists as Artha, Space Element, Psysutra, JaraLuca and many more. Stay tuned! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/psytrancePL SoundCloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/psytrance-pl
  12. Currently uploading track samples... Expect it later today. Brace yourselves.
  13. Antic posting promo topics on Astrix... Now I've seen everything. The cover is effin' sweet!
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