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Eternal Delusion

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Everything posted by Eternal Delusion

  1. Interesting Kind of music, both Dub & Trance.
  2. My GOD! the first track of you absolutly BLEW MY M-I-N-D!, i didn't expect for this kind of entrenss the second track is floating, didn't find a peak where i can really sit and wonder about the world... Mastaba as the name says, a peace of wonder engineering that everyone can visit, truelly uplifting with a large amount of astral vibe Dreamcatcher - dark, cold, agressive, My Type
  3. nop, my equip doesn't boost the high frequency
  4. Energetic peace of music, doesn't sound complicated in some melodies...very light...but the atmosphere is a bit deep and it's good in 5:06 there's an interesting high frequency melody, after a while it strated to heart my ears, so do something about the high frequency range of it.
  5. Amazing Trips and atmosphere, loved every moment
  6. Well hello there! This track is baisicly a remix to New Born's unreleased track 'Touch Nothing' 90% from the track is my original work, all i took from the original track is the Acapella & the main melody which you can hear mostly towards the end of the track Hope you all enjoy :clapping: http://rapidshare.com/files/150242823/Eter...ing-01.mp3.html http://twistedsessions.com/artists/801/ http://www.myspace.com/eternaldelusionate
  7. I'v heard the album several times with and without comparessing to the old album so there are my conclusions: A. The production of the new album is amazing but it sounds a bit too much B. I really miss the climax that have on the old album, in this album there is some climax i found but nothing like the old one, the old one opend the album with a downtempo track and the goa track that came after him below my mind with his entrens, on the new one, not so much. what i'm trying to say here is that in the old one i didn't expected to hear awsome entrens like in "Astral Flight", i didn't expected for this kind of agressions like in "Initiated". In the new album, i was expected, and maybe that is the point here, i was expected for something unusual, but i didn't heard it. Altough i liked most of the tracks in the album. Predator sounds a bit like dream club or something. At List the Downtempo tracks of Ra are 7.5\10
  8. Nice, very nice, psychedelic. sort of fusion between california sunshine sounds and darshan atmosphere i think that with 1 or 2 more layers of sounds it's can be incredible
  9. hehe i just helped with the review... i mostly think that it's a good compilation, not like the lastone but, stiil worth hearing
  10. Traclisting: 01. AFGIN - Light Up The Darkness (9:35) 02. Subra - Enchanter Of The Dunes (7:22) 03. Jikooha - Red Road (8:51) 04. The Wonderboy - Electric Candy (8:06) 05. Kob - Missing Some Marvels (7:56) 06. Zolphinia - Land of Gods (9:26) 07. Project Cosmonaut - The Creation (6:10) 08. E-Mantra - Moon Horns (10:03) 09. Har-el Prusky - Azuca (6:37) 10. Goalien - Macroscopic View (7:46) The OiG team proudly presents to you the third part of our home-made compilation series Golden Vibes 3. There was no post-production mastering done in the following tracks, and they are brought to you as they left the artists studios – just like the good old days. We've made it known and clear that here at OiG we would keep on preserving of the Goa Trance vibe, in order that the true spirit of this genre would keep delivering us the old energies that we all have experienced in the 90's. Our slogan is "Old Is Gold", and so is the way we act. We make sure that this great music that has followed us since then would prosper by giving the proper exposure to the old-school and new-school Goa Trance artists. The team puts a lot of efforts in brining you these releases and has made a great deal of co-ordination in releasing this current one. The biggest thanks goes to "The Wonderboy" whom contacted the artists, collected the tracks and made all the possible arrangements in order for this project to form into a finished release. Graphics and design – Lior AKA Mfoofa of the OiG crew. Review done by GoLem & ED from OiG crew. 01 - AFGIN - Light Up The Darkness Written & Produced by Elad Afgin – Israel. The opening track in this compilation was produced by Elad Afgin, an Israeli producer, which produces music that resembles much of the old ‘Astral Projection’ sound production. There's excellent vibes in this track. http://www.myspace.com/afginelad 02 - Subra - Enchanter of the Dunes Written & Produced by Michael Anenburg – Israel. Michael Anenburg AKA Mike A is here with his Goa-oriented Subra alias. 22-year old Michael has been producing music for many years and has a long experience in writing Psy-Trance tracks. Great production in this one. Those Tb 303 barks made me smile like crazy =) http://www.myspace.com/subramike 03 - Jikooha - Red Road Written & Produced by Jun Iwai & Masakazu Shimodi – Japan. Jun Iwai and Masakazu Shimodui formed Jikooha, a Japanese act with influences of Goa Trance that stays authentic with that sound. They've released 2 albums already and their third album is in production and will be released soon. http://www.myspace.com/jikooha 04 - The Wonderboy - Electric Candy Written & Produced by Gai Edri – Israel. This track was produced by the one who collected and released this compilation – Gai Edri "The Wonderboy". This track puts emphasis on dark complex atmosphere. www.myspce.com/thewonderboyoig 05 - Kob - Missing Some Marvels Written & Produced by Jannis Tzikas – Sweden. Jannis Tzikas AKA ‘Filteria’ with his new project ‘K.O.B’ release his second track after last year ‘Weight Of Oblivion’ on ‘Suntrip Records’, and I can tell you, it’s one hell….one hell….just hell! Psychedelic evil atmosphere that just blow your mind I tell you, it’s absolutely amazing www.myspace.com/filteria 06 - Zolphinia - Land of Gods Written & Produced by Tiago Braga – Portugal. Tiago Braga released his first track on ‘Jelly Marbles’ this year, this his second track, oriental atmosphere can do many things, in this situation, it’s making magic. The track may remind you ‘Doof’ style but with a better production www.myspace.com/zolphinia 07 - Project Cosmonaut - The Creation Written & Produced by Eli Yarkoni – Israel. Eli Yarkoni, the man behind this project called ‘Project Cosmonaut’ is an upcoming artist from Israel, very psychedelic with ‘Bird Sounds’ and many TB303 sounds which we all love. This track may sound to some of you very similar to ‘Astral Projection’ and ‘MFG’ old style www.myspace.com/cosmonautmusica 08 - E-Mantra - Moon Horns Written & Produced by Emanuel Carpus – Romania. With a track that was made in 2003, Emanuel Carpus AKA E-Mantra, bring to us the best track to dance to, with wicked sounds and dark energy that can just fly your ass to the moon! www.discogs.com/artist/e-mantra 09 - Har-el Prusky - Azuca Written & Produced by Harel Prusky – Israel. There’s nothing else to say about Har-El Prusky, since the beginning of the 90’s through the legendary group ‘California Sunshine’ up to now, with a track from 2005, you can still hear that he didn’t lost his feelings on his tracks, and it’s just good. www.myspace.com/harelprusky 10 - Goalien - Macroscopic View Written & Produced by Boris Huskic – Norway. Goalien is the new upcoming Project by Boris Huskic, Totally ‘Nitzhonot’ Music that can drive your mind away www.myspace.com/goalien My Favorites: 1,2,3,5,6
  11. this is gonna be massive
  12. i didn't know man i just asked please don't kill me
  13. This Compliation is really really great, loved it! specially the downtempo side. the uptempo melodic-goa side, is great, loved every track in it, but less then the downtempo side i'm still waitting that suntrip will release a compilation with some weird-psychedelic-twisted-acid music that will cut my head off, im talking about something in the Green Nuns spirit B.T.W: why on every compiltion u have guys there's leaves and same concept of painting? can't your designer design something else?
  14. i knew that Ra was a goup in the past, but i thought that in this day's you are working the project by yourself, good to know that lars is back in the group
  15. sounds good, although if i'm not wrong the only group on the VA is Radical Distortion, because Ra is one dude, again, if i'm not wrong
  16. sounds awsome man, the only thing that anoy me there is the snare that is cut to pieces
  17. those Gremlins are awsome you know it mate
  18. i'm also think like that, that the track is energetic, not pure goa, but it's has a Goa Touch with some progressive elements, i don't think that i even call it "New School Goa", more like the kind of music that were in 2001-2003. love it, the bass is awsome man, very light and it sound like the track is hopping on a trampoline (btw, sorry if my english is bad)
  19. damn, the release of new born is still on the top 10!
  20. Amazing compilation man! Every track with a different colour
  21. since when does you, sesto sento, gataka and some more are making goa trance? well congradulations on whatever you won
  22. don't worry, u guys will learn some new word except from "Balagan" again Elad, "Saha". everything tat write there is pretty much true
  23. Awsome EP Phase Shift, too much inspiration from "Maia" of Pleiadians Huh?
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