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Everything posted by buzzman

  1. You are speaking to THE B.O.F.H He aint promoting, he's just suggesting that Amygdala might want to download the mp3's before buy, since this album is VERY speciel. I personally can't stand this album, but i liked their previous album... So i'm glad i downloaded the mp3s before i wasted my money on it
  2. +100 for both you and insejn Sounds like a laundry machine with a beat... Dark minimal repetitive, and to my ears very noizy in the wrong way... Not my taste
  3. I like your nightpsy tracks The fullon is a bit to.... standard fullon for my taste but nicely produced i can tell
  4. +1 for that, Nemo, your arguments are pretty weak for once Cd's aint doing much pollution, inside of a jewel case on a shelf somewhere, and it's VERY unusual that a person throw ones cd's out right? And Psytones, probably because it's the music you pay for, not the cd's The price of an empty cd is very low now compared to what it was ten years ago
  5. Im actually liking some of the vocal samples here. In "ride the flow" for example, they are super cheesy, but it fits the super smooth, chilled feeling of this album IMO! This isn't the most psychedelic peace of work, i know, that's why i don't think the vocal samples are ruining anything... They add up/back up the intended feeling of this album, wich is accomplished to perfection! If hallucinogen or whatever=LSD, this atmos album=ecstacy pills You have time to stop, take a deep breath, look around and enjoy what's being fed to you, like a warm blanket over your inner self.... Uh, i love this music
  6. THEY ARE IN A COVER, JUST LIKE YOUR CD's! Imagine Looking for a specific album in your pile of cd's would be a pain in the ass as well, if they didn't have a cover no? If it's loose media you want to have in a big pile, I would rather have a bunch of memory sticks then, caus they don't break and scratch OUTSIDE THE COVER
  7. Yes, just write as you tweak, and then the automation "parameters" or whatever they are called, will show automatically at the bottom of your track. In the group folder if i remember correctly
  8. Pawelek you asshole, you kept me from listening to this album, by saying it's like hallucinogen? I can't stand hallucinogen, but i absoluty love this album!! Going straight into my top 5 2008 albums... Just need some time to figure out wich spot Great album! This is real psytrance at it's best
  9. IN my case, it's because they are the only 3 albums i've listened to, who's worthy of being listed here (IMO)
  10. +1 for the digital file collectors im only at 200 gb though... But when im as OLD as you nemo, i probably have that much too
  11. +1 (Must be THE most brutal bassline i have ever heard! Awesome track!)
  12. Yes it is
  13. You really need to get out more
  14. Exactly what i'm talking about
  15. Yeah, great track Otto! Pretty catchy melodies, couldn't get it out of my head when i went to bed last night
  16. It could be cool, you could have like a belt or a bag with a rack in, where you can place your sticks, just like bullets for a machinegun!
  17. Awesome, i will! Thank you
  18. Nemo, the Cari Lekebusch and the SCSI 9 ep/albums you recommended are amazing! Something similar you can recommend? Im getting hattache thinking of all the different genres there is in electronic now a days, what do you call the two artists???
  19. do you mean Walhalla (not halwalla) ?? Edit. Didn't look at the pics before i replied... Never mind what i said
  20. Once again, you DO get a cover with the artwork for these sticks... And you have possibility of FLAC files with a cd? Why don't you have that with a compactstick containing both WAV and mp3? You can get a program to convert it if you want
  21. Happy new year everyone! Wish you all the best! @ Mars: so big effort to keep this place clean from off-topic(especially with the ban of Frozendream in mind) and then you open a thread like this? Talking about having double standards Anyways, who gives a shit, just didn't want you to get away with it, without a little comment on the way(now that i can't ban your ass ) Happy new year to you to!
  22. I think this idea is made as a substitute for downloading, also meaning that it is driving the attention AWAY from the download/internet world... Maybe a stupid way of trying to prevent illegal downloads?? I know alot of people don't want to pay for downloads, because they don't get anything physical, like you pay for something that you can't pick up with your hands, like you can do with a cd... This stick takes care of that problem (no matter if you like the idea or not) PLUS you get the artwork for the compactstick (saw alot of you guys complaining about that ) And it doesn't work on your Hi-fi, but cd's didn't work on Hi-fi when they first came out long time ago... Everything starts somewhere right? Wouldn't be too hard to make a usb connection in the amplifier no? Car stereos allready have that. If we should look at the good things about this: The good thing about this(compared to cd) is that you can't scratch is... Thats something i've been wondering about for a while now... All this technology, and you still have to be ultra carefull with your cd's so you don't ruin them... We can make cars undestructable even to a bomb or a gunshot, so why do cd's has to be so vulnerable?
  23. as it looks now: Psytrance 1;M.E.E.O.;Highlight me please;Demon Tea Recordings 2;Atmos;Tour de trance;Spiral Trax 3;Electrypnose;Funked Up;Digital Psionics 4;Braincell;Frequency Evolution;Growing Flame Records 5;Ticon;2am;Digital Structures Possible changes/Also worth mentioning: Kino Oko-MDA, AKD-Processing, Para Halu-wide range, Chill: 1;Ott;Skylon;Twisted records 2;Bluetech;Phoenix Rising;Somnia 3;I Awake;The core;Ultimae 4;Pan Electric & Ishq;About Time;Absolute Ambient.com
  24. Awesome! Basslines like Abomination, Azax, Hoodwink ect. with beautiful melody structures! At times "old school-ish" sound, but meanwhile it has a dark feeling, with ALOT of undergoing rythms and detailed effects!! Best fullon album 2008! Edit. Don't know why (since it ain't the same sound) but it reminds me of 2007 Logic bomb album... Guess it's the equal intelligence in the music wich comes to mind
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