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Everything posted by buzzman

  1. Whats the best Jikkentekki album out there? I only listened to his latest album, didn't catch my attention
  2. Ormion, knew I could count on you when it comes to SA trance Thanks for recommendations everyone! LLB Never heard of the dude, but I think my brother might enjoy it, thank you
  3. Hey party people,my brother asked me to collect some new music for him, but I need some new recommendations. He's into stuff like Furious, Penta, Wizack Twizack, Braincell, Troll, Abomination, stuff like that, with a dark atmosphere and a pounding bassline. I have been following this part of the scene for a while now except for the names I already know, so I would like some new names please Have a nice day all! C
  4. Allready tried it, but then it starts out to rough
  5. I'm not talking about the OT forum, I'm talking about being a little more tolerate about a little line or two once in a while.
  6. Hallucinogen Pleiadians
  7. What Aeros said.... Plus there's matching samples in the DL-pack, so go ahead and see if you like it Seems like it's mostly for Fullon though....
  8. It's just SOO difficult when you've created a 7 and a half minute track, and the part from 2 minutes on forward is awesome.. The beginning was lame, tried to change it.. It's impossible for me to make a cool beginning like this, that doesn't sound TOO empty, but yet is matching the rest of the track, without sounding too repetetive Well...
  9. I'm in the same place, have a couple of tracks I just can't finish... With the feeling it could be awesome.. Somehow, I'm just stuck Maybe we should switch projects, see if that helps on the creativity
  10. Looks fun, thank you
  11. Ormion takes the first place here... She''s Niiice
  12. Nice Mix Can I get a tracklist? #2 is awesome
  13. Nice sound I would give it some more bass though, subbass or smt, sounds a little thin in the bottom if you know what i mean
  14. Why do you have so much against "offtopicing", I seriously don't get it... A few laughs from time to time wouldn't heard
  15. 1. Proggy 2. Darkpsy 3. Fullon (not the cheesy stuff though) 4. Minimal 5. Others I've a pretty wide-ranging taste
  16. Going to watch this now, looks REALLY interesting and educational. Edit: WOW!!! Just fucking wow.... I'm seriously touched... I'm shaking to say the least. This has to be the best documentary I've ever seen. Thought-provoking, intense, beautiful, informative and last but not least, SCARY AS HELL!! Everyone should be interested in this video, and the once who aren't... Well, they should be forced to think about this stuff. And to round things up, this is not some mind-manipulating Al Gore show, with stupid, inpersonal numbers that compare the CO2 levels with the last ice-age and uninspirering facts, this is a show of facts, a easy-to-understand video about the life's eco-system and how we are changing and destroying it. There must be something seriously wrong with you if this doc doesn't move you. GO WATCH IT!!
  17. I used to organize everything in the genre's you named, but it turned out to be impossible... What about the cross-over albums, where do they go? Trold, is it FullOn or goa/psytrance? What is Kino Oko or the newest electrypnose? Now I have two folders for psytrance related albums, "All psychedelics" and "PsyChill" thats all I need to know
  18. At least duvdev doesn't sing himself
  19. I got it resently, haven't had time to play around with it yet, except putting some izotope presets on one of my allready existing projects.... Result was astonishing (compared to what I can do with my level of mastering skills) really looking forward to get to know it better
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyJssMVZ-iU
  21. Shut up, it's cool
  22. Call and response... Not so harcore, but a nice tune http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mryYbln7IKg
  23. Bansi & Riktam - Green space :clapping: :posford: :posford:
  24. Ja ja ja Coco jumbo ja ja jaaaa
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