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Everything posted by buzzman

  1. Anyways, i can enjoy any sub-genre as long as it is good The only style that i need to look deep to find something i like, is goa/oldschool... I dislike the cheesy end of fullon (hypersonic, alien project ect) but there is alot of other full on i really love! PS: Minimal psy is nice
  2. Progressive: "Ace ventura - Rebirth" Fullon: "Freaked frequency" Dark: "Penta - Horn please" And for the dancefloor: "concept - paranormal" or "Logic bomb - sonic algebra" I just can't deside wich one i like the most
  3. Exactly
  4. He changed hes style, and i think it's for the better... More twisted and wierd...
  5. Thanks mann
  6. I usually starts at the beginning and finishes in the end Like when writing a story... Otherwise it can end up messy. Then when im done with the rough mix, i go back and pulish what might need some extra work; breaks, automation, panning ect.. But sometimes when im creating a track, i come up with something i can't fit in... Then i often cut it out and use it for a new track.
  7. I know it's a little cheesy, but i like Spacecat - Lifeguard from the beach compi this year... Love the melodies and the power in this fullon track
  8. Yep, very shroom friendly
  9. I think horn please is the best album he've made
  10. Get VLC player! Then you can watch ALL videoformats to... And its free VLC PLAYER!!! Anyways, like the track Great energy in it
  11. Yeah, i think it would be the best progressive bassline i can come up with right now! Anyone farmilliar with Highko - Hardcore cheese (from VA-lethal doses) Man, thats one pumping, growling, anihilating bassline.. probably THE meanest bassline i can think of this moment...
  12. Heard that 5 minutes ago:) Now its Scorb-rave from the grave... Nice track!
  13. Can you give some examples of what your looking for? I know different types of psychedelic
  14. Yeah, maybe if he left the awful melodi and vocals out, it had been a great track, but i had to turn it off, couldn't even stand listening to it... But thats just me, maybe other people like it.
  15. Penta - Portuguese abduction So heres Penta's new album, quickly released after "Horn please" earlier this year! I was a little afraid that it was to early released, that he didn't put as much work in the album that it has deserved. Anyways, i have high expectations and im Hoping for the same trip to Pentaland, i have gotten from hes earlier releases. Vegetarian ballad: "All obsessed... All obsessed with the taste of flesh" is being said in between the crazy madnezz of multiple dark pads and evil strings, the typical pitched synthesizers, wierd perc. and the pumping bassline, creating the typical "Penta" experience.. A great track that evolves in the typical Penta way, always changing in a very unpredictable way... But i miss some surprises in it though, nothing new here, just a really good track. BBQ: Starts off quick, with some wierd ideas and cool tricks. The penta crazyness continous with dark atmospheres, wierd effects that will totally dissorientate you(in the good way of course:) And the part with all the videogame samples, it takes you straight into funland! Dont know if everyone will enjoy this track, but i shure as hell did! Time Jump: Don't really understand all the lyrics in the tracks here but i got so far with the male voice: "You see, i was visiting the 2030, when i sensed a disturbance in the time continoue. I realized now that what i felt was your touch on the time machine!" Anyways, this is more what i had expected from this album, stomping dancefloor madness with lots of cool fun breaks, twists and turns.. And that pianolike synth(3:05) really gets my attention, creating a feeling i can not explane... This is as i expected another very good track. Andes: This is more controlled than the past tracks, a bit deeper and not so stuffed with chaos, but still he keeps on going with tons of energy and crazy twists for the dancefloor! Still with the dark pentadelic atmosphere i just can't get enough of Mendozed: Im not to happy about the sound in the beginning, sounds like someone saying: duddeli, duddli duddli dudli.. But it stops again quckly, thank good, and we are on the road to pentaland again. He keeps surprising with his innovative sound, and outa space tricks... Sometimes i get the visions of aliens speaking the sounds to me(it might be the drugs) but i haven't experienced that with any other music... Like the tracks are alive Piscotech: Can't say much about this track, except im saving it for my next mushroom trip It just sounds so much fun and very psychedelic! No more evil: "Plunch the world into darkness" This track sounds more of something from funraiser, the same creepy atmospheres with the creepy voc samples, and i regognize alot of the elements to.. It's a great track, but nothing groundbreaking. Magic balls: Ahahaha, this is good... Sounds like someone is farting with a baloon or something, very laughable stuff. I would love to here this live. Would go completely nuts from all the joy and happiness!What a great humor in this track. Neo cheesy: Bah, nah nah nah nah, bah, nah nah nah nah, baaah nah naah naah naah naah naah! Do i have to say more? Hate this track to death. Well, all in all this was a great journey to pentaland.. The production is outstanding, and the energy of the album is extreme! But it is maybe a bit more tough to swallow for homelistening than te past albums he've made, but im shure that's not what mr. Penta had in mind about this album! Dancefloor madness in highest possible quality! The one thing that i am a little dissapointed about is the similarities to Horn Please, you can here it has not been long since it was released... Ohh and the last track of course, that is just BAD! So it's a 9/10 from me
  16. CPU - last nite (you know, the: "last night the music saved me life" song)
  17. Okay, thanks for the kind words, i'm surprised to here you say this Maybe i critisize myself to much, i dont know.. But this is my first complete track in cubase sx3(got it 3 month ago), so i really don't have more tracks like this... yet I do have some older stuff made in fl studio and reason, but that's nothing im proud of Check it out if you want to HERE!! Here you find all different kind of styles, non of it any good though(FL quality! But i have found my own style now in Cubase, that i like to produce and is comforderable with, so now i can work on evolving it to something grate... I hope
  18. Tell me what you think.. I know the bassline is boring, and the panning of the LFO synth(about 2.30) is a little off... But otherwise i think something ells is wrong in the overall picture, i just can't put my finger on it Buzzman - K Hole
  19. The hihats is a little to penetrating isn't it? Im listening on laptop speakers, so im not shure though But the synth in the beginning(2sec) is annoying imo, otherwise its GREAT!
  20. I would add some effects to the melodi that starts after the LFO-pad in the beginning to make it more "flowing" orewhat its called.... The closed highhats(when they start) are a bit to agressive, maybe set the velocity down a bit on some of the counts... The melodi is going a little to long, you can try add some effects and changes to the melodi... I would work on the breakdowns a bit(i believe it's the percussion), again to make it more "flowing" All in all there are some cool parts in the track, but as you say it yourself, it is a bit to repedetive. not that i could do it much better myself
  21. Helt sikkert Nemo, tak for hjælpen Der kommer nok et dumt spørgsmål eller to mere. Men jeg smutter til julefrokost nu, kan du ha en god weekend
  22. USB And your right i am danish.. thanks alot nemo
  23. Anyone heard VA-The exploding man??? Damn #2 Azax syndrome and absolum-world of illusion(live mix) Thats the most mean, banging fullon i've heard in a long time... Im serious, this track will even make a paralised man get out of hes wheelchair and start dancing!!!
  24. I've played with fl studio and reason for a couple of years now, but i don't know any other people who make music as well, so im still pretty dumb:) Everything i know, i have learned from myself... But Asio4all you say... I'll look it up thanks And can you recommend me an audiocard for below 100euros? Think i can find that kinda money, i thought it was way more expensive. Edit.: It have to be external, im using a laptop Is that for below 100euros to?
  25. The trouble shooting in the cubase website said that i should switch to directx? Im using a standard pc soundcard... It is better than on my old computer, but i know its nothing special... Is that the reason!? But i think i figured it out, i pushed the "expert" button in the "VST audiobay" menu in "device setup". And chose the "multi processing" button and the "adjust for record latency" Now it works, but i don't feel 100% right! But do i have to buy a audiocard? You know it's a lot of money, and i wouldn't call myself the new Ace ventura if you know what i mean, so is it even nessesary with a good audiocard?
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