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Everything posted by buzzman

  1. +111 Saw judgement day a couple of months ago, still in the top of my movielist! Classic movie, great story, awesome action and EVIL ROBOTS for fucks sake, what more do you want Besides Aliens, T2 is the best sequal ever made
  2. buzzman

    Cast Away

    Have you seen crazy people who talks to then selfes? A lot of then I think is a product of being alone.... Shit I would go crazy if I couldn't talk to anyone... I can't even be on the internet without socializing I would talk to a ball as well if I didn't have anyone ells, I don't think thats pathetic at all Although, In the end, everything we do is selfish, so you aren't completely wrong IMO I thought of this yesterday... You are only friends with people that makes YOU feel good... You're only in love with a person if she/he makes YOU feel speciel... If she gives YOU the butterflys in the stomache... YOU YOU YOU, but you need an outside world an other people to make YOU feel good. Edit: Just realized how ego-centered I just sounded But think about it, I can't see where I'm wrong here.... Even bringing flowers to your GF you expect to get something back, or you do it to take care of your guilty conscience... Of course it feels good to give other people something, and see the joy in their eyes, but in the end that joy you see is translated in to your own happiness.... Humans are selfish all the way through
  3. Yeah I've tried to involve drugs into this disgussion before, but as I was told, even Bob Marley is "psychedelic" on acid... But it is the feeling you get from music while on psychoactive drugs, that is connected with the term "psychedelic music". But what is it? You cannot descripe it, or at least I just haven't heard it yet But if psychedelic music means the state of mind your in on a trip, then it's really undefinable what music is psychedelic and what isn't Get my point? Maybe this is just until someone prooves me wrong, I don't really have a clue anymore
  4. I looked it up in a danish dictionary, what i wrote is directly translated... But i guess it coulf be wrong, I don't know.... Besides, try define "soul-revealing/manifesting" in terms of music Isn't that different from person to person as well?
  5. I use Cubase sx3 Didn't figure out how to do it, I'm busy with my studies, gonna take the final test on Thursday, so hopefully I can figure it out afterwards.... What are the Midi learn programs you found??? I figured out how to control Vanguard and Albino, but I want to control Cubase mixer ect. so the "learn program" sound awesome
  6. The 3rd Terminato wasn't as good as the previous ones IMO, I didn't like the terminator was a girl, and there were a couple of ill-timed jokes, but it was OKAY @ Redington: I have a hard time imagining that Salvation has a heavy plot (you should know what happens if you've seen the other T movies) so I will expect a serious CGI orgie, and some awesome action-scenes... Not a believable plot Looking forward to watch it!
  7. Get Vdownoader (freeware) which ables you to download youtube videos.... Search for seagulls and ocean sounds, then copy the link to the vdownloader program, set the download option to audio, and there you go Lifetime suply of infinite samples DOWNLOAD VDOWNLOADER HERE
  8. buzzman

    Cast Away

    Yeah Bratt Pitt is an awesome actor! If you don't like him, you are just jaloux of his looks, and the fact that he could get any girl in the world Like Yerg says: Fightclub, Snatch, Troy, Benjamin Button, Burn after reading, Meet joe black, twelve monkeys, Se7en, Oceans 11-13 (just to mention a few) This guy can play anything, and he do so EXTREMELY WELL!
  9. buzzman

    Cast Away

    Didn't the ball represent hope, and something he's used to, something that reminds him of home? That was what I thought... But yes, very good movie.... Saying Lost was written on this film is overexatuating a bit maybe, since robinson crusoe wasn't far from this story
  10. Actually I found out "psychedelic" basically just means it's sense-expanding, so isn't it up to the listener what is psychedelic and what not? Hallucinogen might be psychedelic to some (most ? ), but it's just crap in my ears... Disgussion never ends...
  11. It's true that music is taste and experience, but experience can change your taste and give you a good understanding of a genre you otherwise "didn't get", therefor you are both right and wrong
  12. Hehe, there's a great deal of aricans around in Europe as far as I remember.... London, Paris was pretty black last time I visited
  13. Not really, you shouldn't compress it too much though, try to play around with it a little, it differs how you should set it... At least as far as I know
  14. Jikkentekki said in his video that the ideas often start when you've made the beat..... But I don't think there's a right or wrong way to do it... Actually there is another topic around her somewhere, where you can read about how people are building their tracks... Search for that
  15. Do you mean YOU aren't good with compressors, or you mean compressors isn't good for a kick? I allways compress my bassdrums to make it sound a little more full and banging.
  16. Penta is russian Living in US though, as far as I know BTW, why doesn't Europe have more gangstah rappers? Like Ormion say, different country, different culture
  17. Nice job, nothing to put my finger on Maybe try to compress the kick a little bit? It could be a little more "slamming" or banging compared to the bassline, but a good clean sound you've created, nice atmosphere, it shure has potential Keep it up mayn
  18. I've allways said that myself, until I got my Adam monitors... I can tell a differense now.... Even between 320 mp3 and FLAC/WAV.... Music sounds more full, less compressed and there's more space between the sounds...
  19. link doesn't work broh
  20. +1 :lol: God have murphy on his soul...
  21. Wub, this is good!! California gold and simulated Usage from their myspace page, Just what I'm looking for, thanks
  22. Since I'm from Denmark and trentemøller is one of the few electronic-artists we have with true (worthy) succes, I know him His music is pretty neat.... I'll look in to the other artists, thank you for the recommendations Yohan Edit: Audiojack, just my taste man
  23. This is fukin' awesome! A very fresh take on how darkpsy should sound like! Emidiate satisfaction, 9/10 based on the 3 listens I've had so far... I predict a lot more will follow, a really solid release! And T2MT, it's not boring and monotome, more like grapes of wrath if I have to compare
  24. Cool, I just need to know all the names then Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I'll look into the swedes... And thanks for the recommendations, i appreciate it!!
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