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Everything posted by buzzman

  1. Your right my friend... And actually im not puttin much in this... I just think its funny how serious everyone here is about a stupid phrase... It makes my day at work go faster, thats all
  2. And by the way... JEG ER FRA SYDHAVNEN/VESTERBRO! maby not in stuck up Hellerup, or if you get stopped by the cops, but a normal cobenhagen would take it as a joke, if you notice my smiling face when i say it!
  3. I couldn't find the right words, i dont know so many fine words. And your right about what you say... BUT! I never said anything about sound quality Why do everyone keeps saying that!? I said that i couldn't hear anything catchy, that i thought the sound was messy(you dont know wich genre it is) and that i didn't see anything special about the release!! read it again if you like... ANd in my oppinion it DO SUCK! The rest is words that you have putted in my mouth, and i don't like people doin' that! And it was the following discussion i couldn't eexpress myself in, when you all attacked me becasue i said the thing about the toilet.. And for Nemo: I often say: Du må da ha' drukket af toilettet!" to people with a smile on my face... And people just laugh at it! So don't give me your Mr. Serious police officer bullshit, caus i use that way of speech often! Also people i don't now when im at a club or something.
  4. No but i don't take shit from guys like him! Dissing my english... Very mature to get personal! I can see! In my eyes he is an idiot for doing that
  5. I don't have so many words to use, but i know how to use the words i got:D And i was just writing the apology the same place where i offented people, otherwise people wont read it maby! But hey, i have to be dissed for that to hah??
  6. A.P.E-infowars!!! Anyone knows this track? Crazy stuff :posford:
  7. Yeah, I'll let it rest... But all i wanted was to share my oppinion on the album, din't want to offent anyone.... Sorry about that, i just thought it was a funny thing to say:D But nemo is an idiot for dissing my english! Guess he's not mann anough to apologize like I did:)
  8. Hahaa... Oood: take a look at my profile, and you will have ALL the answers:D Im from Denmark by the way
  9. So you are discriminating me, for not speaking english as good as you, because its not my first language!! Thats cool bro... Whos insulting who now? You are taking a direct hit at me as person for not speaking english as good as you! NICE! And in Denmark "drinking from the toilet" is a way of speech! I allready apologized for hearting ya feelings didn't i? But oh... you deleted that message!!!! Don't understand why your so sensitive about a "way of speech".
  10. Yes, he even deleted my apologize:) Wierd
  11. Don't understand... What do you meen?
  12. Hahaaah... C'mon mann, you gotta admit that was funny
  13. Not that i wants to get in the fight, but aren't you taking this a bit to serious???
  14. What does that meen???
  15. this is a very scary release;) Gives me the creeps when i listen to it... And i like it:D
  16. Whas exactly what i ment. And i know what you meen, i HATE rock guitars in psychedelic.. And my english is not so good, that i can discuss in a very high level Sorry
  17. Do you like that? Hmmm maby i should listen to it again, it didn't catch me... my 1 experience with this cd is that the sound scape was very messy.
  18. I've been writing with penta via e-mail.... Uhuuu someone wont's to touch me?? But he seems like a very cool, down to earth kinda guy,
  19. And you're so funny, you're still mad becaus i don't like the newest EAT STATIC album... haha, what a smart ass. But congratulation on your big knowledge in IM history, thanks for the leason... Now i can finally go to sleep again
  20. The are one of the pioneers of how psytrance sounds today, im i right or what? Yes there was other names before them, but that is not what i feel when i hear music today.... They have been a big part of makin psytrance what it is... But then again, i wasn't listening to this music in 1999, i was 13 years old at that time, so don't hang me up on it.
  21. Chromosome - The Genome Project!! It's a little old (2004) but its still one of my favorites. "day.din-speakers corner" "bitmonx and fabio-plugged" And everything from neelix is a blast to IMO.
  22. Exactly. I wouldn't even call this psychedelic anymore, with theyre rap/rock/pop crap they're toxicating this genre with But they have been in the scene from almost day one, and made some GREAT GREAT tracks... They where one of the names that i heard when i first was introduced with this music, so you gotta pay them some respect for that. But for the last couple of releases they have put out here, i have only one thing to say..: don't think they need a holiday... I think they need to retire;)
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