I couldn't find the right words, i dont know so many fine words. And your right about what you say... BUT! I never said anything about sound quality
Why do everyone keeps saying that!? I said that i couldn't hear anything catchy, that i thought the sound was messy(you dont know wich genre it is) and that i didn't see anything special about the release!! read it again if you like... ANd in my oppinion it DO SUCK!
The rest is words that you have putted in my mouth, and i don't like people doin' that! And it was the following discussion i couldn't eexpress myself in, when you all attacked me becasue i said the thing about the toilet..
And for Nemo: I often say: Du må da ha' drukket af toilettet!" to people with a smile on my face... And people just laugh at it! So don't give me your Mr. Serious police officer bullshit, caus i use that way of speech often! Also people i don't now when im at a club or something.