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Everything posted by Trolsk

  1. I've read the review and I do not understand how he can give the album 8/10 since he's complaining about almost every tune.
  2. You've been added to the ignore list, bye.
  3. An uplifting beauty, you've done it again! I've been impressed by each and everyone of your tunes, you're really talented.
  4. Seriously, what's happening with the results???
  5. It might be that Alienated Buddha is not the best goa ever made...
  6. If the pictures and their last albums are some kind of joke I hope it has the best punchline of the decade because so far they are looking like total fools.
  7. Listen to the samples of their new album, the pictures fit perfectly with what their doing these days...
  8. A solid follow up to their excellent debut. The sound quality is even better, the production is great and the flow is excellent. You will not be disappointed. 4+/5
  9. The first four tunes are excellent: upbeat, fun, groovy and melodic. Certainly among the best full on tunes released in 2006. But from track 5 and onward the album lacks variation and there are two tunes featuring electric guitars which in my book is always unlistenable. 3/5
  10. Yet another "dark" compilation of over compressed harsh digital noise. The only interesting act is CPC vs Para Halu. They deliver a deep, hypnotic masterpiece, too bad it's surrounded by unimaginative fillers. You can certainly do without this compilation. 1/5
  11. The upcoming Minilogue album is an instant purchase.
  12. Infected's out of tune engrish can't be compared with this, the least common denominator is a male singing, that's it. The samples are very impressive.
  13. Deedrah's Body & Soul and Shpongle's Nothing Lasts...But Nothing Is Lost are two recent albums that make as much of the CD format as is possible. The Delta's Schizoeffective album was very impressive back when it was released.
  14. That's good news, they need to explore new terrains. Archipelago was a solid album, but didn't add anything new to their formula.
  15. Yes, Ubar Tbar's Macrometasomakosmos is the correct album. Here's a harder one: The album is a blues for the city in which William Gibson's Neuromancer novel takes place.
  16. How about this one: 89 weird tracks on one album
  17. Re: The Crazy Ducks cover and related crap A Swedish film critique that used to work on the Swedish national television recently commented the commercialization of his former employee in the following way: "To see what has become of the Swedish national television is like discovering that a woman whom you grew up with has become a prostitute." I think the same can be said about our so called "alternative" scene these days.
  18. Just about everything released by them (as X-dream or as one of their many side-projects or collaborations) between 1996 and 2002 is incredible and groundbreaking. On their own or in various collaborations Marcus if of course the most interesting of the two, but Jan was a part of a Children of Paradise, a side-project that maybe never got the attention it deserved. Their Urban Alien album is an amazing mix of the the successful X-dream baseline and über psychedelic melodies and atmospheres.
  19. A lot of psy people enjoy ambient if it's released on a psy label, because then it's automatically psy, and they usually think it's excellent and groundbreaking although it has been done many times outside of the narrow-minded psy scene. That's the so called open-mindness of the psy scene.
  20. The long tail is the future for all sorts of alternative things: The Long Tail @ Wikipedia
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