Your position seems a bit binary to me. It's possible to like Halluncinogen, Etnica, Pleiadians, X-dream and Dimension 5. One does not exclude the others.
DMT and Raja Ram.
Just kidding. What makes Posford standout is the width of his output, this scene wouldn't be where it is today without his work. The influence of Hallucinogen, Shpongle and Posfords numerous co-productions cannot be denied. This is not only a layman's view, in interviews back in the days there were a lot of artists praising Posford's work and expressing an interest to work with him.
Only a few artists would be able to compete with Posford as far as importance is conserned.
What I personaly like about Posford's work is the earthy mushroom feel.
Lost entertainment is indeed a great album.