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Everything posted by darkfairy

  1. full update
  2. flyer update all credits go to my good friend Juju (you can find him at Judzign.com), he's a very talented french artist who also did the graphics for tantrumm records cd covers and for the upcoming lycantrop rec cd covers
  3. Halloween party :fkLive:fk Savage Scream (Phreex networx/insomnia rec/devils mind rec/JP) http://www.myspace.com/savagescream Noise Gust (Phreex networx/fullmoonrecords/JP) http://www.myspace.com/noisegust Baal (Phreex networx/fullmoonrecords/JP) Melorix (Trishula Records / Lycantrop Rec) http://www.myspace.com/melorixmusic :6Dj's:6 belgians finest Baba Jelly (tantrumm rec/deja vu rec/ Lycantrop rec) http://www.myspace.com/jellybaba Cousin Trebor (Fubar) Device (Lycantrop rec) http://www.myspace.com/djdevice1 Narcosmix (Lycantrop rec/hypnotica rec/Fubar) Azidax (Lycantrop rec/Skitzophrenik lifeform rec/Fubar/Hypnotica rec) http://www.myspace.com/azidax (f)Chill area(f) 6H SET!!!!!!!! Total Eclipse (Mandala Rec/FR) http://www.myspace.com/totaleclipsefr ReZZ-QR (reggea-dub) For the decoration something really special this time. Scale Models (Russia) http://www.myspace.com/scale_model Trootootoo (Ukraine) http://www.myspace.com/trootootoo live vj: Uzul 255 (france) http://www.myspace.com/uzul255prod location: limburg hasselt (en nee tis nie de zoo) ffkes wachten op de flyer and you'll see fee: 15 euro
  4. Holy Psycharonie III LIVE Already Maged (Tantrumm rec/ Lycantrop rec/ Ukraine) http://www.myspace.com/alreadymaged Muktisvara (Lycantrop rec/ USA) http://www.myspace.com/tdcIsvara Dj's Baba Jelly (Tantrumm rec/ Lycantrop Rec/Be-Fr) MDS (Trishula rec/Lycantrop Rec/Be) Corious (Pi Productions/Lycantrop Rec/D) http://www.myspace.com/djanecorious Narcosmix (Fubar/Lycantrop Rec/Be) Azidax (Fubar/Hypnotica rec/Lycantrop rec) http://www.myspace.com/azidax decoration: Xibalz http://www.myspace.com/lycantroprecords entrance: 8 euro location: the zoo, kempische steenweg, Hasselt, belgique more info: kimmekee@hotmail.com
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