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Everything posted by Yuroun

  1. Pretty unusual and not comercial psy. Nice job :clapping:
  2. Thnx for the compliment :posford:
  3. Realguitar can play chords from just single notes. Maybe this is something for you? http://www.musiclab.com/products/realgtr_info.htm
  4. Yesterday I started working on a new version of an very old track of mine. The old version contained only loops, so I started a new version with my own stuff with synth's and so. I got a bit stuck and need some input, idea's to inspire me. So, please listen and share you're opinion with me (and the readers of this forum, ofcourse ) You can find my track on AcidPlanet: http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?PID=1026095&t=425 (click on "Play song", at the right) About the track. I know this mix isn't well balanced. I'm still working on it... The voice sample is taken from the movie "The First Knight" (1995). The voice is from Sean Connery as King Arthur. He's actually saying: "Lancelot, just a thought. A man who fears nothing is a man who loves nothing; and if you love nothing, what joy is there in your life? I may be wrong." BTW, Hi I'm Yuroun and produce music for a couple of years now. I just started with Goa/Psy trance.
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