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About Mindfly

  • Birthday 10/28/1975

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  1. has not set their status

  2. Hello all psynews-users, the entire backcatalogue of my projects between 2001 to 2005 have been made available for free download as a service to all those of you, who have supported me since day one. Download from: http://www.mindfly.dk Keep the party going on and on and on. :clapping:
  3. Andy, what's your account no.? Everything's gonna be alright..
  4. Well, not really bought today, but 14 days (and therefore my latest CD purchase) ago I ordered two pieces of modern electronic music-history: Fluke - Risoto Leftfield - Leftism I've had these two in my collection some years ago, but had to sell large parts on my cd/records in order to make a living at that time of my life... I'm slowly starting to rebuild the whole collection, but it'll take some time. Risoto & Leftism are highly recomendable to anyone who has a larger musical taste than psytrance only.
  5. http://www.reasonstation.net/refills/brows...ge=&oldtype=all enjoy...
  6. Doh... yes, you have actually seen it already... my bad! hehe... Don't have any outboard gear any more.... everythings gone... lack of money and space, made me sell it... miss the knobs, though...
  7. I'm doing grrrrrrrreat... well, at least fine... Work, work, work, being with my girlfriend, and not that much music... to my ages to redesign my website mindfly.dk - but I got it up and running, so more time for the music making now... check it out (<- not accesible unless you find the "hidden" link from the website...) the top track is the latest I'm working on.... cheers mate
  8. Maaaaaan.... this brings back the memories 'n emotions that came to me after listening to Atmos 'Headcleaner' album for the first time... Indeed very very veeeeery nice stuff... and totally unexpected, it's so far from the stuff I knew you once did. But I like it a lot... /Lars
  9. Just updated: mindfly.dk
  10. 2005 sucks big time.... it's the year I turn 30...damn, gotta start getting a life...
  11. Being an old tracker-crazed-maniac I'd go for Modplug-tracker. www.modplug.com NB: This is a serious answer.
  12. Just a few other links: http://www.futuremusic.co.uk/fm_mmusic.asp?ID=5884 http://www.futuremusic.co.uk/fm_mmusic.asp?ID=3293 Cheers
  13. Just gonna post this one, in this thread too: Dunno if it's a mem-problem, but try and check the memory anyway - fx. use the memtest86 - it's a Linux-based small application you can download on the web, burn the image to cd and boot from the cd - it could help you figure out, whether you've got faulty ram or not. Lars http://www.memtest86.com/
  14. Dunno if it's a mem-problem, but try and check the memory anyway - fx. use the memtest86 - it's a Linux-based small application you can download on the web, burn the image to cd and boot from the cd - it could help you figure out, whether you've got faulty ram or not. Lars http://www.memtest86.com/
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