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Everything posted by benf52

  1. Its nice to see that IM shares studio info and show people how they make their music. Everytime i see Duvdev speak though, i get this uncomfortable feeling. He seems so unnatural and so full of himself, and i think their latest albums reflect that. I don't think He and Erez are really interested in making good innovative music anymore. They are after fame and money now, and have been for a while now. Their latest real work (imo) was BP Empire and even that wasn't all that. As for the debate about their early music, one cannot deny that it was original. They had this ability to make the most amazing meoldies, way better imo than on any of the artists they "ripped off" to quote Elysium. They also were among the most talented at creating the parts of the tracks where things explode and take off. They also made a lot of sounds that i haven't heard anywhere else, so obviously they were creative, as all people who make music know that making true original and good sounds is not an easy thing.
  2. It does sounds more like prog house as someone mentioned, and yes it is refreshing to see after their last two albums that fell really flat for me. Logic bomb was never the same after they lost half their members, and they will never make music as good ever again. They guys left are good, but they lack the creativity that the whole group had as a whole for the first 3 albums.
  3. dunno if it works on mac but i use wavelab on pcs and its good. u can extract all tracks as wave, u do have to rename them individually but it works great for me.
  4. for acidic stuff check out: (all are album names) cosmosis - synergy cosmosis - cosmology green nuns of the revolution - rock bitch mafia for slower trance stuff check: aes dana new chronos album u can listen here http://www.saikosounds.com/english/show_ar...artist_id=11813 u can go to saikosounds.com and listen to those artists and see for urself
  5. they probably play almost 100% full-on tracks... there was a video on the net of a live set they did in paris last year and it was all fullon...
  6. i have to agree with mars here... its so annoying to read those texts... makes me feel like i'm at macy's buying music or smrthg... i can tell by reading the texts if it will be interesting or not....so the good thing is it helps to avoid the pain of listening to the samples...
  7. did u try cosma and atmos like i said? also try andromeda and freq
  8. i gotta say i am with traveller on this one... and i think he is right on when he said people are getting paid for making those over the top reviews about this album... i don't see any other solution... they changed their style a bit... its more mature yes... but not very musical, lots of annoying sounds, tracks don't really go anywhere... skip...
  9. if i like metal check sun project as someone said earlier... check the older albums.. then check for sure : dark soho - depth of emotion i played that track for someone who loved metal but never heard trance and he loved it.... it's on the first album called sunspot...
  10. infected mushroom is pretty unique... but here are a few things u can try out try x-dream ("older stuff like radio album", "we created our own happiness" album) hallucinogen (2 albums out they are both really good) some cat on mushroom tracks (space cat and infected mushroom).. best one is "the fly" imo...(its on space mantra compilation) try the shiva shidapu album (has power of celtic remix)... it was one half of infected before they did the first album... try pleiadians (both albums)... etnica - vibra (album) try those and let me know what u like/don't like... i can go through more stuff when i get home...
  11. for trance try cosma ... he's got two albums out and they are both really good... then try atmos...
  12. it's obvious that they wanted to reach a wider audience... they said it themselves in interviews... and in the trance scene that means selling out... it means adding god-awful vocals in ur trax for ex... the pb is they have the talent as u said nemo... and i agree that their first 3 albums were amazing... however they don't want to push the limit anymore... i gave up on them after Bp empire... i know they won't make any good music in the future... i just don't see it... so my advice would be to forget about them, enjoy the old stuff they did, and look for other new good music...
  13. anyone know when the new album is going to be released? i heard the samples on twisted website and it sounds really good... especially the first and 4th track... can i order the cd through twisted's site before its' released everywhere else? (it says out of stock right now)
  14. after reading so many positive comments about him on forums i decided to go to my first goa gil party last year... i had heard that he makes a story with his sets... lies... well i hated the party... he only plays dark music for the whole time.. i understand that he would play that at night but common u have to have variety to have a good party... i got the feeling that many people pretend to like the music b/c "it's goa gill"... they treat him like he's god or smthg... and as was stated previously his mixing is terrible... and i have issues with djs who have been playing for years who can't mix... besides it kills the trance experience when on the dance floor... he is always talking about that aspect, well maybe if he really wanted to get people in trance he should learn how to mix properly... and then he does seem like an ego maniac with his rules of only playing by himself at his events... so ... move along nothing to see here...
  15. there is only one track i like, but i like it a lot... it's chill though not trance... space buddha - fly high
  16. sorry to break it down to u but there is nothing that even comes close to Im classical mushroom... enjoy it for what it is and maybe look for other styles that u like...
  17. i could not make it to the tantra party as i was in france at the time... by commercial music i mean 90% of the full-on music that's being released nowadays... not all djs play that stuff but some do... but yeah the main pb is the dark style is overrepresented (they actually call it "trauma trance" here, which i think sums it up pretty well)... even at the loveparade more than half of the line up is dark psy, and there is the goa gil party next weekend where gill plays dark psy for 20 hours straight (i went to one, never going again ...) like i said there needs to be more progressive sounds in parties... more variety... some years ago we used to have the thump parties with all the best live acts every month... since then it's been downhill ever since...
  18. as far as the dark music being played in parties... i live in san francisco and from my experience there is way too much dark music being played at parties... it's either that or djs playing commercial full-on music, with tons of breaks in tracks and no psychedelia whatsoever... there is very rarely some good progressive being played, and that sucks imo... not enough variety, line ups don't make sense (no story being told)... i think it reflects the music that's being release at the moment to some degree... i mean most djs want to play new music, and because most releases lack imagination it shows in their sets...
  19. another san francisco label not paying their artists... maybe they should focus less on that spiritual garbage they put out in their promos and more on paying artists whose tracks they use...
  20. @ psytones... so u have to take acid to "get" psytrance... that is completely wrong... as rino said some people who make cheezy fullon take acid, and some people who have never taken acid make good music and go to the parties for the right reason... and btw it's not necessary to take drugs everytime u go out partying... u should try it... everything is not about drugs in life ya know...
  21. as far as side projects i agree that cop - el nino is a great track... that bass is so huge... and delta - as a child i could walk on the ceiling and a few z-dream that i forgot... freak telegram e-rection - out there we are stoned xdream remix coming soon
  22. had a chat with silicon sound when he came to san francisco.... very cool and easy going.. and he answered all the questions i had about music production... even agreed to listen to my tracks and give comments if i sent him some... which i never did ...
  23. we created our own happiness electromagnetic second room panic in paradise
  24. @ journey man... if u think everything sucks maybe u should look elsewhere for music... we don't need people with ur attitude anyway... u are so hateful and disrespect artists and people alike... just reading ur posts i can tell u r a very angry and unhappy person... but it's no reason to take it on other people... so have fun away from this place, i hope u have so much fun that u never come back...
  25. well the point is that if u like the compilation then it can help u pick up another one from the same guy in the future... so i think it's a good thing... but the name should be in the back not on the front....
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