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Astral Vision

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Everything posted by Astral Vision

  1. Zero Cult - Part Of Rapture. Zero Cult - Violet Room. Smooth...
  2. Hey m8. We talked in the kokopelli topic, it was me calling it reggae psy lol And i have been checking out the links you posted, cool stuff, but i want moore hehe Yeah i’ve seen the inlays for kokopelli, its some good stuff! pretty twisted.. I am going to Amsterdam again this Thursday, and this time i'll check out that kokopelli store in red light, its gonna be amazing! Yep, i've heard most of the new Siebzehn songs from his myspace site, that guy is pretty cool, did he release an album yet? But ill just keep on browsing, and see if i cant find anything interesting, thanks again
  3. Heya.. I'm looking for some cool chillout, downtempo, psy ambient music.. Same style as: Zero Cult, Entheogenic, Kokopelli Conscious Dreams (love it!) and Sonic Cube. Could you guys help me out? /astral
  4. Yes i can see that, but its the only issue, besides that, its seems to take som good pictures! I'm Sorry to hear about your job, i hope things turn out for ya, and good luck with getting a new cam m8
  5. Cool, i will, thanks for the links.
  6. No problem Hehe maybe, but it isn't poor quality, not at all, its fine. Thanks alot, it kinda fits my name to
  7. Hi Abasio.. Some cool pictures from Japan you have here. Keep up the good work m8 Gratz from the other side of the world!
  8. yeah, indeed i do. I see it as one of the best releases this year! And a great review BTW. I am thinking of the Siebzehn track - hangar 18, that beat reminds me in so many ways of a typical downtempo reggae beat, not to mention Cloudwalker - Green radiance, also the same type of beat. Two amazing songs with alot of feeling to them! :clapping: Organix- swim & glide is good to, but my favourite song is "Siebzehn - hangar 18" that song has its own soul! Agree, who is that guy anyway?? Some very smooth ear-hanging tracks, and very nicely done!
  9. This is a very good album! 5/7 * Downtempo with alot of feeling, and some super stoner tracks! And my first time to hear raggae-psychedelic
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